
There’s not need to ‘switch over’ to anything, as part of the advantage to being a PC gamer is that you can have multiple clients installed at the same time. I have games on Steam, Origin, GoG, and Yesterday I was playing Fallout 1 from GoG, today I’m playing World of Warcraft.

It is more convenient, but knowing that the devs earn a greater percentage would make me change my platform of choice. I like Steam fine, but less money for the middleman seems great to me.

If only there was some sort of place where you could publicly criticize games like maybe a website where people can post their opinions or something. Seriously, it’s inane to act like Steam reviews are the only place people can post their opinions. I guess Blizzard’s launcher not having reviews means no one can ever vo

The USPS gets $0 in taxpayer money. The USPS is, since its creation, self-supporting. 

This makes me so sad. Congressional staff wages haven’t raised meaningfully in decades. It’s wage theft and anti-democratic. Don’t even get me started on the pressure to work a low wage job officially and then being forced to “volunteer” for your boss’s campaign. Ugh.

Since I might as well name names, Nancy Pelosi offered a friend of mine $20k (before taxes!) for an entry level position. In 2015. My friend could not take it. Some college grad who had monetary help from family did.

“...Sinnoh stones, the newly-added tools that evolve a specific set of early-generation Pokémon, like Magneton and Murkrow, into forms from more recent games, like Magnezone and Honchkrow.”

Former Hill staffer here...

The more I learn about her, the more I see future President material.

Pretty sure most people didn’t care much for the bag and just wanted the helmet, which I’m willing to bet was the thought process with Bethesda when they did the switcheroo. At the end of the day, though, it’s a matter of principle: People paid $200 for the promised helmet and a canvas bag, but the bag wasn’t canvas

People should sh*t in the bag and send it back.

It’s amazing how a bait and switch scam that almost became a lawsuit ended up with Bethesda finding of a vault of lost canvas. What a coincidence!

Seriously, Bethesda has lost so much good will because of these past years. From Skyrim ports, paid mods, and to Fallout 76's garbage release (garbage bag included). If

I guess my expectations for “Military Style” gear is different from most because I was actually in the military. If someone told me they were giving me a “military style” bag, that nylon trash is exactly what I’d expect. Hell I probably have a few lying around. I almost wish that Bethesda would claim that handing out

All the canvassing for the midterm elections really depleted our reserves. 

Take a shit in the nylon bag and mail that back. 

Seriously. I love that their initial bullshit excuse for this was some nonsense about supply “shortages”. Because canvas is such a rare commodity.....

Good thing the world canvas shortage is finally over...  *whew!!  

“Don’t y’all have jobs to do?”

Remember when we were told that “no one was trying to censor your games”? Yeah... That’s why Sony of America being in charge of the Playstation division is now doing just that.