
Not to mention Discord itself lacks the kind of useful moderation tools that even the most basic forum software has. Banning certain words like racism terms? Can’t do that without having to setup a 3rd party bot or having mods constantly monitor posts.

The problem is that writing off charity donations is almost never worth it nowadays with the standard deduction being ~$12k a person in the US. So unless you have >$12k of stuff to write off, that donation isn’t really helping you.

Yep. Sadly HDMI-CEC is a good idea it just has terrible implementations. Ideally it would server as a proper replacement for say a Logitech Harmony Remote.

To Sony’s credit, the cell cpu was an incredible piece of tech. at the time but due to a shit API trying to develop games that could actually effectively use all the cores was a crapshoot. Ultimately I think when it comes to the underlying CPU and GPU powering a console, trying to innovate is waste. It makes far more

To make matters worse the nvidia shield could handle 1080p while the Switch can’t, even though it’s the same hardware more or less. Nintendo just decided to not use active cooling and underclock it to prevent overheating. A modern smartphone currently has more power than a Switch and is also using ARM.

Hell 3d All Stars was even a lazy pack of 3 games in an emulator charged at full price. The fan made PC port of Mario 64 had more effort than 3d All Stars and looked even better.

How is the Switch innovative when it is literally just an underclocked nvidia shield with a usb 3 dock? 

This is why I recommend doing your banking with local credit unions over a bank. They are actually invested in the local community and tend to go the extra mile to make their members happy.

Rip no news about Dragon Quest. Especially stuff like are we ever going to get either of the DQM remakes for 1 and 2 or will the US ever get any DQM games anymore?

The thing is Twitch can just verify that automatically but looking at IP logs and seeing that his main account was using the same IP recently.

Even that is not correct though as someone can be born with 3 copies of the chromosome that determines sex. You could be born xxy, xyy, etc. 

Or better yet why not just have mixed gender sports? Why do we still insist on having separate men’s and women’s sports teams?

Not to mention that having to shuffle the game back and forth between internal and external will kill the lifespan of nand on the ps5's motherboard. Which sucks because it isn’t really replaceable even if you had replacement nand chips to replace them with some soldering work, we don’t know if the ps5 is locked to the

Exactly. They should be charged as such. In addition they should be barred from ever working in the medical / healthcare field. If they aren’t thrown in a prison for life.

The DS4 was a downgrade in several aspects. The battery was smaller in capacity, part of why it is so much lighter than a DS3 and the fact that there is no option to turn off the stupid light bar results in very poor battery life when compared to a DS3. While the grips are more comfortable the DS4 has always felt far

As if he will have any money or assets left after the NY AG, deutsche bank, and whomever he owns money to in Russia get through with him. She was complicit in his crap and deserves nothing.

I hope the NY AG moves to have Trump charged and arrested on Jan. 22. With the cooperation of whatever state he flees to.

I think that could only work if they decided to go back to 2nd hand of even older consoles and games as well.. Which could be hard in some areas that already have local stores that specialize in classic consoles and games. Not to mention in terms of 2nd hand stuff there’s also 2nd and Charles which has a much larger

The big question will be if this will make Crunchroll free for PS Plus subscribers. Doubt it, but maybe they will offer a bundled discount for both.

While they may not be able to block the nomination, the house could refuse to allow any bills to pass. Kinda of how Moscow Mitch regularly let’s bills passed by the house sit at his desk. Fuck him with an electrified steel spiked rod. Mitch is a piece of trash that deserves to rot in prison. Not that it will ever