
Hopefully it will function like a ps4 pro in that sense with a boost mode and maybe even have games let you choose what mode to use. I know Monster Hunter World has some in-game option to let you prioritize framerate, graphics, or resolution. If they keep the built-in screen at 720p then the framerate should be able

I would hope that a Switch Pro would at least upgrade the screen to be 1080p as it was sad imo that the screen was only 720p because of how thin they wanted to keep it instead of building a proper cooling system and larger battery like what the nvidia shield did. Nintendo instead choose to underclock the system. Maybe

I’ll take a decade of him rotting and suffering in prison along with his child who helped.

I held off specifically because the dualsense will use usb-c as its’ connector which if they follow the usb spec will be more durable in terms of how many times you can insert the cable.

I would recommend looking into the Mod community then. There is a pretty active community for making mods for Stardew Valley that may have what you want. The mods are only on the PC version though.

Nocture was confirmed to also get released on PS4 as well. Not sure about SMTV though.

That’s not entirely true due to the nature of many online games that require a connection to a game server that may host some or all of the games content. These games are disappearing as those companies decide to shut down the game as it loses profitability. Think of many FPS games. Call of Duty for instance, while

The capacity on the batteries aren’t additive if the controller runs on 3/2.4 volts instead of 1.2 /1.5 volts. as if the controller needs voltage from both batteries you are drawing current from both at the same time,

I hope it is more like the Dualshock 3 controller. It had far greater battery life owning to the larger capacity battery and while not labeled as user replaceable, it wasn’t that bad to take out a few screws to carefully open the controller and swap out the battery if needed.. When I got a ps4 years ago, the biggest

The memory bandwidth spec is very concerning.

I just hope none of the authors that walked away from Hachette go back. I hope they find another publisher elsewhere that isn’t a bucket of scum.

There is legal action available for those would falsely file a DMCA. Unfortunately, YouTube doesn’t punish copyright holders that abuse ContentID and the setup Youtube uses. While I’m no lawyer and this is not legal advice, if a Copyright owner falsely files a DMCA takedown against content you produced there are legal

This exactly. Ban the trolls who are mass reporting crap like this. While it may not prevent them from making another account it will at the least slow them down.

Hell, It’s even worse when you consider that their Bible tells them all sins are equal in God’s eyes so this is so high level, pick and chose what to follow in the Bible bullshit. 

I hope they charge her not only with attempted 1st degree murder but also pursue it as a hate crime. It is monstrous to run anyone over with your vehicle let alone target someone because of their race.

The problem is some stores will automatically run it as debit without prompting and do it as a pin transaction for amounts under a certain dollar amount. Usually under $50-$100). Walmart is well known for doing this crap.

How is this good on Nintendo when it took the threat of an impeding class action lawsuit to get them to take action? A good response would’ve been to deal with it prior to numerous articles on the issue and an impeding lawsuit.

Absolutely. It shows Sony didn’t know the first rule of creating database tables. NEVER make a text the key for a table. Always use a UID / GUID or a randomly generated numerical id.

Obsidian made Fallout 3. Bethseda published it.

In my experience PTO in lieu of separate sick and vacation just drives people to come in sick. At my workplace, we had a manager have to send his entire department home because they get each other sick and didn’t want to use PTO for being sick.