I wish I got paid to write such befuddling bullshit like this, honestly these white dudes really be running the best hustle in modern history, i get to write an article about gay dynamics in a Zelda game and call it a day...
I wish I got paid to write such befuddling bullshit like this, honestly these white dudes really be running the best hustle in modern history, i get to write an article about gay dynamics in a Zelda game and call it a day...
This is in the same universe of befuddling bullshit like Gwen being trans. sure man sure your fucking American world view does not need to apply to the whole fucking world, that’s why you idiots invade everything
Well yeah, sites liek these and many others barely gave it any notice you’d rather make 40 articles about thransphobic al right bs in hogwarts legacy than talk about games that matter... this is as much on you kotaku
i think you mispelled til the end of time wrong
Kotaku: taking over the internet, the three same queer artists and the fanart community doign what they always do which in the larger scale of things means nothing.
so tell me you are white and under 22 or over 30 at the same time, and mostly misunderstand representation as not what he wants. walk it off my guy your take was utterly unnecessary and no I will not bother making any arguments on anything else that you said, because a) it would be a waste of my own time, educating…
It looks bland and generic as all hell, also a personal pet peeve is i do not give a flying fuck for star wars games if i cannot be a jedi, so amongst all my issues with the game none of it was that the protagonist was a lady... what a weird thing to get your panties in a bunch, i would also argue that now i believe…
You keep telling me about bad design when you're literally contradicting yourself with the "cheese builds" you're one of those pathetic dudes aren't you? The game had enough design oversight to give you ample options to fight him, beat him and even graciously enough cheese him, but no the one incompetent douchebag,…
Just say you suck at fighting him, decent stats and a good build go a long way with radahn enough that using the summons makes for a challenging but very fun fight also just learn to dodge properly next time
Tell me you're 14-17 years old without telling me you're 14-17 years old, Jesus fucking Christ grow the fuck up
The things i could say about this anyhow, who's hungry
Love the dismissal of someone with actual experience, lmao journalists sure can be douchebags
Awww it’s cute someone watched Wanda vision and can’t help bringing it up on every conversation to sound intelligent
Kotaku, covers plushie of biomutant, refuses to cover the excellent evolution and recent gameplay trailers etc of the game hahahaha
Oh your’e one of these loosers who placed all his self worth in feeling challenged from video games? yeah most normal humans just want to be entertained amnd people like you re just sad assholes with little to no life
I never knew Mario was into the dirty sanchez
I never knew Mario was into the dirty sanchez
I get your identity is tied to trying to be right but you really barked up the wrong tree here, also low key trying to be an asshole is hillarious because you really are one so win- win.
But i’ll indulge
Lack of physics
Yes your anecdotic experience surely overrides the plethora of factual evidence of the piss poor state that game is and was not from bugs but from a design structure there has been a myriad of analysis done, videos, think pieces on just how much of a shambles cyberpunk is, no it doesn’t even live to the basic…
Well considering your experience it’s surprising your stance would be as this, maybe i’m guessing and i don’t mean to put you down but you’ve never worked on a big system as a console system? i just find it weird that you of all people wouldn’t know why some of this type of features are overlooked when launching the…