
Tell me you have absolutely no idea of UI/UX design and development without telling you have no idea about UI/UX design.

Seriously though it is what it is, new systems unless they are grandfathered by the older system in terms of design and accessibility will always launch without features that give quality of life,

So as a weird mexican kid who grew up in a preppy school, i was both heavily discriminated on account of my skin and my lack of money (i only went to tht school because my mom was a teacher and they had a program for children of the faculty to have a chance at a better education) point is i was constantly harassed,

ignore the hidden paid promotion of apple arcade and play the vastly superior

Oh get the fuck out of here, your inability to adapt and find a new site is not everyone’s fault, your’e the product of a bygone era, you don’t like how the site is run today, fine i don’t i went and found alternatives to fit my necessities you on the other hand are useless waste of air who is clinging to sour grapes,

Most Adults with a fulfilling life and even teenagers you’ll find are capable of having adult conversations about most stuff because they don’t base their entire schtick or personality around a thing in this case hating on or loving something.

It’s easy to be a condescending asshole when you have 0 stakes and nothing to add, frankly most types of comments like this come from sad little men who can’t and won’t achieve anything in life, because given the chance to create anything they wouldn’t be able to even begin to pull their shit together in order to come

It’s painfully obvious he did not play the game and is basing all his albeit valid criticisms (kinda) on youtube analysis, gameplays etc, which happens way too much in kotaku’s comment section.

What gives it away?  his arguments quickly devolve into they said and advent children references, when you’ve played a game

It’s not a wise business choice, yes the initial hype accounted for those sales however the current state of the game would mean, that A) the game would have to be majorly overhauled in a singifcant way for it to be worth anyone’s time, by no stretch TW3 was such a catastrophe at launch and the core game offered had

Reading comprehension isn’t your forte, think before you angrily type at people 

I dont know if i would call this blind optimism or naiveté but i trully do not believe CP2077 will get any DLC the game will fold before it’s even haflway fixed

Ah the quality of the average Jezzebel Commenter, talk about vapid Instagram Stories withing the context of a piece that shines light on damaging stories brought by a toxic media pressence.

there’s always a corporate apologist who rises up to defend shitty business practices like it was Joe the best friend since childhood lmao...

Uhm FF7 remake, the resident evil remakes, pretty much every remake BUT nintendo’s remakes beg to disagree with your statement, as a 30 years old something i made peace with the face that pokemon didn’t evolve or grew up with me, my last pokemon game was SuN & Moon but both your i’ll informed, ignorant ass stance on

Wtf are you on about "the game industry only recently acknowledged it" i know you want to seem smart, but ... The game industry has been selling you nostalgia since as late as 1998... You're absurd

this, this so much i know OP will be offended and ignore your reply but how about starting without recurring to garbage pseudo science to avoid medical examinations

As a licensed psychologist you SHOULD know this is fucking abuse, period whatever you molded your life to become after the fact has nothing to do with the REALITY of it being abuse, secondly you turned out all right whoopdeedooo as a psychologist you SHOULD know how trauma affects and works on children and how it

All the people acting liek this is some heinous act, it’s not stop pretending PUBLIC C O R P O R A T I O N S are jarend your friend from high school who got hacked, while agree the ransom note is cringy . No one should feel sympathetic to a company, so long the private and personal info of employees is kept that way i

I don’t think you know how to properly use the word gatekeep there champ. I know asking human beings to temper their hot takes is too much specially for americans, but asking people to show a modicum of intelligence and self restraint isn’t telling them what to do, or gatekeeping although most imbeciles will confuse

I believe it’s a mixture of lack of reading comprehension, self awareness and people who don’t really think what they’re saying twice before speaking // writting most humans with the ability of self control , restraint & a modicum of intelligence, will give themselves a minute or two before expelling their hot takes

Why do people like you, don't re read shit first, take time to process it, then do a self reflection excersice before writing your dumb as fuck comments, you clearly did not grasp the basic premise, didn't think what you said through and proved that in the lack of self awareness and self control you enjoy being a