
¡Madre de dios!

Says the person who is clearly an Xbox fanboy.

I think that’s what is confusing me about the role of the press here. There’s probably a very, very good market to just kind of clean up what is actually being said and not actually create more noise (there’s more than enough already).

There actually was a fairly decent article Kotaku ran recently that was pretty down

I would have never thought hot fish people would be more of a calamity for the Legend of Zelda series than Gannon. 

It was a good run.

Fans are frustrated with the way Yona’s appearance works to reinforce heteronormativity in Hyrule

Nintendo doesn’t need to do shit. This is a non-issue to the vast majority of Zelda fans.

If Nintendo wanted to avoid articles like this, it would have been very easy to do so.

The game never positioned Sidon as an explicit love interest for Link as it did Mipha and Zelda, but fans latched onto the dynamic between the two, resulting in one of the more popular ships in the fandom.

Talk about nonsense! It’s a videogame it doesn’t need to tick all the political checkmarks under the sun. You want to ship Sidon with Link? Go right ahead, hell Zelda’s ancestor Rauru is a furry! The game’s story is not going to stop you.

Dude's wife is super upset because all he does is make statues of him and Link all day long.

inb4 BotW3 Zora story is helping Sidon navigate a messy divorce so he can be his truest self

I know a woman in gaming! Buuuuuut, she’s from Canada so you wouldn’t know her. Her dog sled team got delayed in the Yukon. Otherwise she totally would have been here.

And I totally have a girlfriend! She just couldn’t make it… also because of… scheduling conflicts….

“Hey! We’re diverse af! It’s just that the one woman we invited wasn’t able to make it.” Geoff... Dude... You ever hear the saying “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt”? Yeah. 🤨

Maybe that's what wisdom is. Observing and listening, rather then speaking without enough information. 


“Your rage fueled tirades will only serve to make me laugh.”

lol! cope harder you fucking npc.

Fans are weird lol, Like a person can’t just be close friends, there always have to be sexual tension? 

Kay seems like a fun character, but I was hoping she wasn’t human. So many species and races that could be utilized to be the lead of anything Star Wars and we have another human.