
I’m seeing an awful lot of people online this morning on various news sites commenting on the Kim story saying “they should have killed her.” or “too bad she survived, because she’s a whore.”

I was going to say this. My second is 5 years old, and on his third broken bone. He’s never met a limit he didn’t want to test or a risk he didn’t want to take. To say that I fear his teenage years is an understatement.

Oh I just love the royal children. They are so cute.

I hope Kim fucking destroys this sex offender.

So, he’s sexually assaulted several people in public, with many witnesses present. How is this asshole not in jail?

I’m not sure that I agree with the author of this article. Maybe I am forgetting something, but I don’t remember Jolie or any of her reps claiming that Brad actually hit any of the children.

Say what you want – pro or con – about Angelina Jolie. But I have no doubt that girl is unafraid to fight dirty. Down and dirty.

Hope his burner phone is a Note 7 so he can literally burn his balls off.

Marriage isn’t “just a fucking word”. It’s a legal status with fairly extensive implications in healthcare, tax, child custody, inheritance, property ownership, civil and criminal legal cases, pensions etc. Marriage doesn’t protect spouses from cheating or leaving, sure, but that’s a massively different thing from

Yeah I pressured my ex to propose, and he did, and then he told me he felt pressured and wouldn’t have done it, and then we planned one wedding, postponed it, had an engagement party in the midst of terrible fights, planned another wedding, postponed it, and then ultimately broke up. Don’t get me wrong, that wasn’t

Congrats. A guy is entering a marriage he doesn’t want because you let your baggage trip you up. Ironically, you are more likely to lose him now than before if he ever resents you for it. I also don’t have a lot of faith in your vision for this relationship.

I feel the same way about this. Him placating her with a proposal after perhaps a few nights of feeling as though she was going to bail on the relationship doesn’t make for a good marriage. Proposals should be based on a mutual desire to be married, not because one party starts stomping their feet about it.

I have mixed views on this. On one hand, it sounds great you are getting what you wanted. On the other, it sucks that this means he has to do something he doesn’t want, and I can’t think of a many relationships that work out when one partner feels forced to do something to stay in the relationship.

Well, if this is indeed true, I have her back. I actually tremendously respect a parent instantly taking action rather than putting it down to a slip up or a one time thing that just repeats itself.

Because violent protests will get the police to stop being so edgy right?

Sorry bud, last guy had a gun, one before him retreated to his vehicle while not following orders and reached into his vehicle. Those are not grey-area instances of how to get shot by police.

Doesnt matter if it Massechusetts or North Carolina. Don’t kick in the door to someones home and you wont risk some homeowner shooting you and your buddies in the chest. Seems rather simple.

and in this case where the police version matches the evidence?

Free chicken wings and NASCAR swag, what else could you ask for?

Bunch of bloody lunatics, ive got much stronger language but im trying to be more civil.

i get the protesting aspects. there have been far too many questionable to unjustified shootings in America and i understand folks are angry.
but when you turn to destroying your homes, your businesses, your very streets, you have