
I’ve got too much front parts. If I tried to swim, walk, or do anything but ~pose~ they would pop out the sides of that suit and I would arrested.

A huge percent. Botox is a miracle drug for many people and it’s expensive as hell. It treats muscle spasms and other problems in people with MS. It treats migraines. It treats all kinds of people who had no hope before. Used medically, it hurts like hell and insurance doesn’t always cover it, which can be over $1,000

Yes, they are. My husband and son are firefighters. Just this year several firefighters have been killed, shot at the door after they responded to 911 calls for help. The 911 calls were bogus. The firefighters were ambushed. In addition, they are routinely assaulted on scene. Arsonists don't want the fire they set to

I don't think this is the right way; but I do worry. My son is a firefighter/medic. Several firefighters have been ambushed and killed recently while responding to bogus 911 calls. His department requires him to wear a bulletproof vest even while he is on duty as a medic. I'm not sure people realize how dangerous

I wouldn’t be terrified, but he wouldn’t be walking out. I’ve got short hair and prefer jeans and tshirts. If some asshole man wants to tell me I’m not female enough to use the ladies room, and blocks my way to express that; he is going to be checking to see if he is still a man.

The first time I told my Chicago born MIL someone was having a come apart she had no idea what I meant. I tried to explain they were having a conniption and she was still confused. I settled for “they are really upset” and she got it.

My kid wanted to be a water tower when he was little because it was the biggest thing in town. He had a goal, and we had always told him he could be anything he wanted. He grew out of it though, because as parents, encouraging reasonable goals is what you do.

Working conditions sound like 90 percent of the newsrooms I've been in.

I'm not much of a morning person, but Jesus, it takes her 23 minutes to breathe? Wow.

Here are some coping strategies:

Abuse comes in many forms. Threat of violence, causing you to fear violence will occur even if he has not hurt you physically yet, is still abuse. Verbal and mental abuse is still abuse.

I'm more curious about their distribution of brain power.

I'm an Old, so these guys still rate as kids to me. What makes me crazy is they went out in a storm, in December, on a lake with no life vests or other equipment to help them. Craig froze to death, he didn't drown. If they had taken just the most basic of precautions it might have helped. Possibly not. I know they are

This. Been married almost 23 years. He wears his ring at weddings, funerals, and special events we attend. Otherwise he doesn’t. It has nothing to do with the state of our marriage and everything to do with the simple fact he doesn't like jewelry.

I think he's killing them slowly every time he speaks.

I use my maiden name professionally and hyphenate personally. Young Dazed has his father’s last name. For simplicity, and because both of our last names are unusual. The hyphenated version is long, and it's just too complicated to make him keep it for life

We have friends that live near Bentonville. People HATE Fuckabee and the Duggars. That part of the state is beautiful, and there are a lot of the things to do if you like the outdoors. Eureka Springs is a great little place. Like every state, AR has a variety of people. Just as every thing you hear about

To keep peace in our house, my always warm husband bought always cold me a heated throw. I love it. I turn it up to high and snuggle in and he doesn't burn up because I have the heat turned too high.

If that five foot thing tried to climb five foot me, he might be distressed. One of us would need medical attention for a panic attack. It's entirely possible after I screamed, shook, jumped, yelled, and cursed; the lizard would be panicked.

“Distressing.” I'm thinking horrifying is a better word.