
Anyone thinking about politics with regard to this storm is deplorable indeed.

Yeah. I’m not necessarily against the “scare people into doing what is urgently necessary to protect their very lives” tactic, but there are ways to do that that aren’t ... this. And for people who don’t have the resources for getting out, that’s exactly what emergency management should be for. Ideally, I would think

Hey douche wheel, not everyone has somewhere to go, the money to rent a hotel room for like a week or don’t have any way to travel. It fucking sucks but maybe you should do a news report on how to stay safe during a hurricane instead. Fuck you.

Since when does Fox or any other media outlet cover the funerals of regular everyday citizens who die in an event like a hurricane....? I’m so confused about why he thinks this is a threat. Pretty sure anyone staying in their homes isn’t going, “the heroism I’m showing by staying and my courage as I face certain death

I am team get-the-fuck-out but his statements are pretty insensitive to people who straight up don’t have the means to leave (money for gas, are homebound due to illness or age, etc).

Uh huh, because some people are told if they leave they will lose their job and they are poor enough that they stay because they must. Or they have no transportation. Or they have no money for fuel to leave. Or they just got leave as of today and are stuck on the highway like my brother, his wife, and their five

Used to work there. Can confirm it’s 100% intentional, to the chagrin of the user experience team

Bundy said, “‘I’m just trying to keep our family from going to prison.’”

Just so everyone knows, another way to avoid this kind of thing if they are giving you trouble is to call your bank. Most banks will take over the situation and block them from taking money from your account and get your money back. You may have to do a little ‘social hacking’ but hey way less hassle.

Also bear in mind, none of these ranchers, the Bundy’s included, want to own the BLM maintained land. They just want it returned to local control, i.e., towns and sheriffs.

“I’m just trying to keep our family from going to prison.” Well, in that case, actually following federal law and not going and breaking more federal laws in order to support other people who are knowingly and willfully breaking federal law might have been a better idea.

I’m from the South, land of monogrammed. Nothing I own is monogrammed. It’s my one true failure as a Southern Belle.

No. Clowns are terrifying. Spiders eat other insects and just hang out. Clowns could be anybody and do anything to anyone. Terrifying

Okay, everyone, repeat after me...

Then maybe care about the fact that she was tied up and feared for her life, feared she would be raped? That she would never see her children again? And if you don’t care, why the fuck are you commenting? Because you are hateful, stupid and shitty person.

That is horrible. I can’t even imagine what you went through.

who the fuck cares? it was her jewelry, she owned it, and she is entitled to wear it wherever the fuck she pleases. it is not a reason that she should be robbed and menaced and caused to be in fear for her life.

I will never understand why people automatically lack empathy the minute they realize someone has money as though that is some magic cure-all that will save you from pain, bad luck, trauma, violence, sickness, etc. It really is very telling about the people who are so quick to judge others but wouldn’t live up to the

I can’t even believe people think she’s lying. Why the fuck would any body lie about this? Why the fuck would Kanye leave in the middle of his concert if shit didn’t go down? People’s hatred for this family is absurd. She’s not my favorite person in the world but no one deserves this and she legit could have been

Rant: I never thought I would say this considering its Kim K, but I don’t think this was faked for “attention whoring”. Say what you will about her but my gut tells me this isn’t the kind of shit she’d lie about fur attention. Robberies DO happen, and when you consider someone of her wealth this is a reality that has