
My MIL makes a seven layer salad. It's her specialty. I'm not sure what all is in it. I do know it has lettuce, onions, cheese, frozen peas, and a dressing consisting of mayonnaise and sugar. It's nasty. She makes it every single year.

I’ve been married 23 years. I trust my husband completely. He was living with “Ann” when we met, a friend since childhood. She was finishing her masters, he had just graduated from college a few years ago. They were living in the same city and it made financial sense to live together. They had been friends since they

Lol. After those seven years, the teen years come distressingly fast. If you think you need coffee now, just wait.

They adore me just as I am. They dislike his treatment of me but they’ve been part of the church for a long time and hope he leaves soon. They would force the issue but I don’t want them to. They are there every week. We are there maybe three times a year. I’m really pretty boring. No tattoos. No unusual piercings. He

My Dad is a minister in the “wrong” religion. Therefore everything about me is evil. He doesn’t like the length of my hair, my appearance, my demeanor. We never would have asked (ever!) but when we got engaged he preemptively told my inlaws that he refused to allow us to be married in his church building because I was

This. We very occasionally attend church with my in laws on special occasions, because we love them and it’s important to them. Their pastor detests me. I’ve done nothing wrong, other than marrying my husband. Pastor thinks husband is a bad seed. Every time I come in, he shakes his head because I have besmirched the

It is abuse. He is controlling her behavior, denying her acess to where she needs to go and demanding she do something that makes her uncomfortable. Not all abuse involves fists.

She must have found something she enjoyed in jailed...

Huckabee makes decisions based on what suits him. My parents lived in Arkansas for a time when he was governor. A friend of theirs, a good, decent man was murdered and given life without parole. Huckabee pardoned him despite the fact the victim’s family still lived in the state and numerous people made impassioned

If I sent something that cutesy/stupid in my kid’s lunchbox, he would die of shame. Obviously, I am the better parent because my kid has #standards. Low standards, perhaps, but still. He is fed. What else matters?

My dad’s family is from Mississippi. Awful is good. As in “that was the awfullest mess of flowers I’ve ever seen” means the flowers were beautiful. For context, mess means a lot, not a disaster. They also cook a mess of food if company is coming. My Dad is a public speaker. My grandmother once complimented him by

I’m weird, but... Certain foods give me infections, particularly strongly colored ones. I can drink fruit punch or or add the crystallized drink powder to bottled water and have an infection within a day. Though I love Chambord I can't drink much of it for the same reason.

Seriously true. They live in Bumfuck, Arkansas. It's not like paparazzi are everywhere unless they arrange to be photographed themselves.

The kids showed up. They did their best. They practiced, they played, they sacrificed their time and made a commitment and stuck with it. That should get them honor. They weren’t on the couch playing video games. “Just” participating, even if a particular child isn't a star player, means something to some children

I'm 48. I look 48. I live in the South. I wear sleeveless things in the summer as a matter of survival. If someone judges me for that, it's their issue, not mine.

If you do parenting correctly, you indulge their weirdness in early childhood. Take many pictures. Then blackmail your teenager with those pictures in a decade or so. It worked for me.