
“She also hauled in $7.2 million in album sales, probably with no small amount of help from Ryan Adams”

Saying that KFC “belongs in your mouth” is a stretch. Their “fried chicken” is fucking disgusting, but I grew up on Harold’s Chicken Shack so I’m spoiled. Also, licking one’s fingers is a great way to spread germs and in a densely populated city like HK this product is naaaasty.

Good for her. She put in all the work that could be expected of her and was paid according to standards which were set. It’s silly to expect her to try to make less, or for anyone to be jealous. HORRAY it was a woman and not some old white dude. I hope that next year it's another woman who does the exact same level of

I’m sorry, do we really think Ryan Adams’ cover album, which has sold nothing next to Taylor’s actual album, contributed significantly enough to her revenue to be named here?

Billy Joel is #3 on this list? If you are purchasing a Billy Joel album in 2016, you should seriously reconsider some other of your life decisions.

;P I’m a vegetarian because since I was a kid I didn’t like the taste or texture of meat, and I struggled to choke it down before my parents let me become a vegetarian around age 15. But even I look sideways at vegans. I tried it for a hot minute in college, but life is not worth living without cheese and iced cream.

Relatedly, I have been unable to discern why so many vegan YouTubers are from Australia.

“...eats 51 bananas a day...”

All I know is that I need a bacon cheeseburger palate cleanser.

this is probably hypocritical coming from somebody that spends as much time in the Jezebel comments section as I do, but these people have way too much fucking time on their hands

God. I probably live in cave. I know nothing about nothing, and I don’t even understand this articles, save for the word banana.

She seems pretty harmless. Batshit crazy and completely irrelevant, but somehow less annoying (to me) than the Kardashians. YMMV, obviously.

In high school, I used to like to stop for a can of diet coke at a this little bakery just down the street. The Persian guy who owned and ran the place always insisted on giving me a couple of rose-flavored sugar cookies to go with it, even though a can of coke cost 75 cents.

Ginger-jalapeño? Esophagus says no. I’ll take a honey crueller and donate 150 bucks to charity myself.

Never mind the foil, it’s rose petal-ginger-jalapeno-tequila flavored. That’s like a taste of something coming back up. So, no.

My cat after watching this video:

I believe I also have a response that will work. For me.

Next time that happens, kick the man in the junk. If someone asks why you did it, say he was attacking you. (Or you can be the bigger person, but we are none of us perfect)

Seriously. He has two divorces and a broken engagement and he’s spoken about these things before. She was asking about his experience as a divorced dad...I don’t get the big deal, unless there’s some rule that he is the only one allowed to broach the topic?

As someone whose grandparents both suffered from dementia, I certainly don’t think it’s a laughing matter (but hey, different strokes for different folks), but I find it even worse that Ferrell would use a real historical figure for this, particularly one whose immediate family is still alive. It just seems incredibly