
A blog called My Vegan Journal was very unhappy: “After being vegetarian for over 40 years, they’ve now decided to kill the animals on their farm, package them up, and eat their bits and pieces.”

That’s not Christianity. That’s using Christianity and god as an excuse to be an oppressive misogynst asshole. And I say that as an atheist. This is not how I see the Christians in my life living.

Even if you can’t tell him what he’s doing wrong, that doesn’t mean you can’t gaslight him and slowly ruin his life.

Yeah, speaking positively about responsible recreational firearm use after training and under supervision do not a gun nut make.

Why is this comment out of the greys?

I’m so sorry that happened to you. The person who assaulted you is a monster, and you are not an idiot. It is not your fault that they are a fucked up piece of garbage.

I can completely understand how therapeutic that would be. I’ve been going to shooting ranges on occasion since I was 12, and there is definitely a sense of calm and control that comes with being able to confidently, skillfully, and responsibly handle a weapon. It’s not for everyone, but I do think there is value in

Oh! I didn’t think this was going to be open for discussion. I totally understood what (I assumed) the reasons were, but I’m happy it’s open.

They are lots of fun, just make sure you pay attention at the safety briefing. Also, if you are pregnant, don’t go because something about lead bullets and babies. Finally, don’t take ammo home as a souvenir if your city has strict gun laws.

Happy this is open to discussion; it was a really interesting and provocative read. Thanks to Sarah for writing and sharing this.

First, wonderful essay. It’s one of the best on here in recent time

and an on-board DJ for $82

Also funny (darkly): you can buy senna tablets that don’t taste like shit at CVS for half the price of these “teas”

I found an amazing new detox solution everyone

Yep. Your liver and kidneys are your most effective detox tools.

you can get the same results by having your gallbladder removed, and you don't have to worry about making tea twice a day. can i get some cash if i show off my gallbladder scars on insta? FOLLOW ME

Whoever the asshole is who first took the term “detox” out of a medical setting and plastered it on an over the counter product like this deserves to be banished from society.

This is all straight from one of those Texas approved textbooks, right?

Hard to find real reporting these days, then I stumbled on this brilliant piece of investigative journalism, shame we will have to clone Ashley now, I’ve already told Elizabeth and shes not happy.

So... why do the clone overlords keep this guy around? Just clone him and kill this troublesome copy. Though why even clone him? What use is just some random schlub clone? Always amazes me in these consipicy theories about our various reptile/alien/demon whatever overlords that commit wholesale murder and depravity