
I used to have a needle phobia, then I had cancer & got over it. I would have thought that this would be the same thing, but I guess it’s sort of like the guy in the next cube chomping his gum - it either becomes background noise or you get hypersensitized to it.

Cos it's a no brainer. Endure one terrifying, major thing once to end a daily, terrifying thing for the rest of your life.

I read these books to my kids for perspective.

I mean if she were really a cat wouldn’t she be walking on her fingers and toes? (And licking her own butthole in the middle of the living room for all to see?)

Charles Ingalls served on school boards and town councils in pretty much every place they lived; he helped pay for the church bell that still survives (albeit not in the same church); he proved his claim in the Dakotas and settled down in a nice house in DeSmet. He and his wife managed to not only keep Laura in school

This just seems like the ultimate in white girl problems. Like you’re so normal, you have to find something to be different. Everyone else gets to be all black or disabled or gay or whatever and here she is, being all normal. Gotta make up something to prove that you have it tough too! Look how outsider she is! So

He was the worst wasn’t he? “Oh, sorry Ma, I’m taking you away from your loving and close-knit family in the woods to some god-forsaken place. I’ll never let you get comfortable; if a family moves nearby we are gone. So what if we may not be near any decent medical care. It’s not like one of our children will go blind

Hell, I put a grain of sand up in there three years ago and I'm still waiting for a big expensive-ass PEARL to come out :/

I wonder how she reconciles that she has some biological cat features, like night vision, but not a tail or cat ears.

If acting like a cat makes her happy, then I agree. More power to her.

That’s called “being intelligent”.

So OK, compared to fake health gurus, pretend cancer survivors telling real cancer sufferers to ditch conventional medical treatment, and Munchausen by Internet sufferers, she’s harmless, but enabling her might encourage other people to come up with more damaging or dangerous shit for attention.

If she “speaks cat” then ill pay her to come over and explain to my siamese that the vacuum was not a machine sent back in time to kill him.

Her owners should do the responsible thing and spay her.

This girl is going to be mortified in 10 years.

I thought I was a cat but it turned out I was just really into musical theater.

Madeleine, if you start researching into the world of otherkin you will find things you will never be able to unsee

I mean, I’ve know people who like to sleep in sinks and on windowsills, but eventually everyone realizes that pregaming with cheap tequila is a bad idea.

You know, I can handle the being a cat thing but her shitty goth get-up and bad dye job have to go.