
Used to live in Bangkok. This trend is not even in the top 10 of creepy/weird shit going on there.

Me to Gate Agent: I’d like to book another flight, please.

It’s funny because none of the Kardashian/Jenner girls know how to pick a decent man yet they’re giving Rob shit. Kylie is dating one of her older sister’s former friend’s baby daddy! How fucked up is that? Yet they all seem to be okay with it.

Tyga was fucking your underage sister you dumb harpies! Why is that o.k. and this not? At least this is legal.

Omg. It’s a brilliant move on his part. It’s so smart.

I love that Rob is doing this so much. SO MUCH.

“But a source notes there’s ‘concern’ that 27-year-old Blac Chyna is ‘preying’ on him ‘during a week time.’”

It seems that Rob has been distancing himself from the rest of the family for a while now. I like to think this newest development is him going full Scorched Earth on them.

“during a week time.”

Same! I couldn’t believe I had to scroll so far into the comments to a fellow practically-minded person. There is only two ways this scenario ends: 1) person says, no, I don’t not have your phone, go away, and shuts the door, or 2) person punches you in the face and/or other violence. Either way, you ain’t getting

That’s exactly what my first thought was. No fucking way am I going to a stranger’s house that I suspect has stolen my phone, unless I’m a rough motherfucker with an armed crew backing me up. Nothing good can come of it.

I understand people are severely attached to their phones, but it seems like a horrible idea to confront a supposed phone thief face to face at their home. What do you think is going to happen? They’re going to kindly apologize and hand it back in original condition?

There’s something weird about Atlanta. I used Siri to try to find the airport, and no matter how I asked, Siri gave me directions to the Atlanta Detention Center. Even when I said “Hartsfield-Jackson Airport.”

That is weird. I wonder if there is a portal at their house that leads to the world of lost phones.

Oh hunny. This is deep, and there are multi-levels to this.

I’m so sorry this is happening to you. It’s not your fault. I think you’re doing some good things- trying to scrimp money together, asking for help. Do you have an account he doesn’t know about (not joint and at a different bank)? Get one started. You can definitely call the U.S. National Domestic Violence Hotline at

I second You definitely need help. What he is doing is abuse, you are not a failure. None of this is your fault. Seek out help, there are resources out there for you.

Shit. I’m not sure what to tell you but bumping this up in hopes someone with more experience here can help you. Check out this website and call to talk to someone if you can.

This is off topic and an in appropriate place, but I need help so bad. I have been married for 8 years and for the last year, we have been having a lot of problems. He loses his erection about 90% of the time. While this sucks, its not even what has me the most upset. When it happens, he gets really mean. He has never

No, Sen. McCaskill, you Instagram pictures of your lunch. You don't tweet them.