
I feel for her and while I’m glad she got her daughter back, the state and the hospital were doing their job, which was to protect the child. I’m a pediatrician and see many parents who, to be completely honest, shouldn’t be taking care of their children without help. I’m not saying everyone with some developmental

Came here to say this. I’d *love* free sex toys. Please, right wing nut jobs, send them my way so long as they’re new!

I enjoyed this Jia. I also just want to say that I am a feminist and if people started sending me a bunch of sex toys in the mail me and all my feminist friends would be stoked. That shit is expensive.

I think if you send them shit, there really isn’t any court (with a jury) that would find you guilty of aiding and abetting.

Answer: craploads. I'm not hurting for money and I still can't stand spending it on kids clothes. I now buy everything too big just so I know they can wear it for more than two months.

More disposable income than sense

Considering this Canada, it probably went past many eyes in the government and no-one noticed. Our politicians are never up to snuff with what's current or "hip". We're still ruled over by stuffy ole white folks.

I don’t have children, but I was a child so I feel like I’m still speaking from experience here: Kids tend to grow pretty quickly, so like how much disposable income do you need to have to justify these kinds of purchases for someone who will grow out of it before the "trend" is even over?

Don’t worry, The Gap and H&M will have the $9.99 - $39.99 knock offs in June as well.

I actually got something almost identical to the red pants/blazer outfit at H&M for less than $50 back in November

Ostentatious wealth for children is akin to child abuse.

Not that I would ever be in the market for these, but with the exception of the shoes (which are pretty cool) the design of these outfits is pretty basic. I can get them anywhere for a kid.

$250,000 to Kinsman and $700,000 to her attorneys

Because it’s useless, mindless pap. Engineered to make you think something happened, but it was just Leo trying to get an award.

I would rather die by bear mauling than watch this movie, tbh.

“My face was in Leo’s butt for a fair bit of time. I can see how that’s someone’s fantasy, but it wasn’t mine!”

That’s what SHE SAID!

Hollywood: Where even the grizzly bears are played by white guys.


Reminds me of a Rick and Morty episode where Rick creates a robot that is designed to pass butter at the dinner table. The robot is sentient enough to ask Rick what it’s purpose is other than passing butter. Rick tells it that it was designed to only pass butter. The robot becomes depressed.

Seems kinda pointless, wake me up when the computer realizes it’s solving a childs toy and decides to kill their creators for wasting it’s time.