
It’s not really analogous though because they were protesting the lunch counters being segregated thus the lunch counters are kind of integral to the protest. I’m not aware that they’re protesting against the Mall. As a general rule civil rights protests on private property were aimed at the owners of the private

Apples and oranges. They weren't disrupting anyone's lives by sitting there. Disrupting traffic at an airport is going to piss people off, not make them feel sorry for BLM. lol

MN person here. MN bleeding heart liberal who has no true love for the Minneapolis Police Department whatsoever.

Rosa Parks didn’t keep passengers from going to work or getting on the the bus though. Nor did she put anyone in physical danger. Her act of bravery inspired a boycott in which African Americans stopped using public transportation until they were treated fairly on it. This peacefully put pressure on things to change.

And now would be the perfect time. There is an election going on. And what are the protesters doing? Nothing but showing up at rallies and shouting down candidates they do like. How about instead of doing that, you gather your numbers, make them sign a pledge, or better yet, make a collective video for youtube stating

She wasn’t interfering with anyone. It was the bus driver who got up and demanded she move and then refused to go anywhere until she had been forced off and taken to jail.

Wouldn't you agree that these protests are getting meaningless? I think BLM needs to come up with another tactic. The protests have not advanced the cause.

Yes, but “annoying” alienates people who might otherwise be sympathetic to their cause. Contrary to popular belief, not all kinds of attention is good attention.

As much as I sympathize with BLM, they’re acting in ways that are counteractive to helping their cause. Yes, people should be aware of what happened to Jamar and the racial issues that exist in this state and in the cities. Yes, protesting is a valid form of relaying that message and showing how much it has affected

But to hold protests at a Mall though? Who is going to listen there. It’s a place with stores and nothing else. It just doesn’t make any sense to me. It’s like reuniting at a McDonald’s or something. And considering how the police likes to escalate situations, it’s just a recipe for disaster. Kids are there. You don’t

Who are the dummies? It’s one thing to protest on the street or in a library. But they are demonstrating at the largest mall in America. Blocking big business during the holiday rush. Yeah, Big Business isn’t going to pat you on your head and say, “Oh, this is cute. Carry on,” when you making them lose millions of

My husband worked at Mall of America as a very young man and constantly had to shut down protesters who didn’t understand or care that the Mall is private property and they don’t allow protests. This isn’t a BLM thing; it’s just their policy. He still gets really tetchy about it, all these years later.

So, the police should have stayed home? Done nothing? Right. Protesting in the manner of occupying space/ vandalism and stealing is a victimless crime...unless you have a store in the MoA.

I have two very close friends that work for MOA management, one specifically in security. One of the reasons they’ve been hoping to keep BLM protesters away is that MOA is a HUGE potential target for terrorists, and they’re constantly coordinating with Homeland Security to assess threats, etc. Its enough for them to

BLM protesters are becoming this close to being as annoying as PETA protesters. And just as effective to their cause.

Your child’s name can scream “teen mom” or “mcmansion pinterest housewife mom” or “artsy hister mom” or “single mother” or any number of things.

I’m claustrophobic and I despise that song. I would probably have a stroke. Those poor people.

According to Anna, she and her parents found out before they got married. Which makes it even more twisted that she would still marry and have kids with that monster.

Yeah, I’ve been married for almost 10 years and could possibly forgive my husband if he cheated on me. But child molestation is another beast entirely. I’d be out of there before the ink on the divorce papers was dry.

“Let’s all take a moment to give thanks for the greatest holiday gift of all: That you’re not in this situation.”