Yeah, the white ones threw me off... I’ll be thinking of you? Spiritual love?
Yeah, the white ones threw me off... I’ll be thinking of you? Spiritual love?
I feel sad that he has to say it this way to avoid getting mobbed by the anti-diversity crews...
So... this is the first John Oliver rant in a while that I didn’t see on the front page of reddit when I woke up. Ah, but now I’ve reloaded and it’s there. I guess I must have woken up earlier than usual. Carry on.
Yes, I stopped arguing when you said he was a monster. That’s when you pissed me off. He’s not, unfortunately, and we all need to recognize there are conditions under which we would all of us murder someone, and when those conditions are around, we need help.
I think our current definitions are too limited, so I think the WHO is too conservative.
With our current definitions, mental disorders affect one in four people at some point in their lives according to the WHO. We are all of us affected by illness. Some more seriously than others.
I think all people are mentally ill. It’s part of being human. We all need treatment, and most of us don’t get it.
... Ugh. A murderer, even one like Dylann Roof, is not a monster. They’re just people, like all the rest of us.
Your belief that violence is something that is a normal behavior of people who do not need therapy or help is something that I reject categorically.
And you think that violence is a state of mind that is not illness. I disagree. I think it is fundamentally ill to want to cause harm to others. I think it comes out of damage. The damage is not organic, it is mental. Perhaps you would prefer “psychological illness”?
Possibly. I think racism is a pernicious, communicable illness, though, and one we can defeat if we treat it rather than hoping it will sort itself out or giving up in the face of ‘evil’ from fire monsters or sky kings. The flaw is in our brains, after all— we must all be constantly aware of the tendancy for human…
Mostly, that it’s only our society’s assumeption that ‘mental illness’ is one category rather than many that is damaging, not my wish that we treat people with violence issues as ill.
I think that’s a statement that implies it’s okay to just say ‘mental illness’ as though that is anything more than a really wide classification. I wouldn’t ever say ‘physical illness’ without qualification if I could label the problem more accurately. It’s too broad, unless we don’t know what the problem is. I…
Yeah, I don’t believe in evil as anything but a storytelling device. It’s too reductive and absolves us of our own responsibility in prevention.
Fair enough on whether or not murder can be done in defense. And I understand and agree with the worry that it helps the gun lobby and can lead to marginalization of those who have mental illnesses.
Well... yeah, I guess I am. I think that murder is generally a sign of mental illness unless it’s done in defense. I think a society can be ill, and it’s an illness that can be catching, and while it’s not the same as organic mental illness, I don’t have another word for it. Edit: But I do think those people are…
Okay. Why are they not mental illness that should be treated?
So... I’ve never heard of “good housekeeping hair” so I looked it up. The magazine covers that came back didn’t seem to be frumpy. They’re not zomg!fashion or anything, but that kind of thing wouldn’t be practical on a day to day basis. What’s he talking about?
Why not publish a photo of Dylann Roof, the racist shooter of those nine victims? Don’t bury the lede.
If gay is a birth defect, then doesn’t that mean teaching kids about it is the same as teaching kids that people with Down’s syndrome or autism exist? Just a weird argument all around.