
Not alone. But I will admit that I don’t really understand transpeople so much as accept them and think that they’re worthy of respect. (Well, as much respect as anyone else...) Which makes it very hard to say why transrace seems like bullshit while transgender isn’t without bringing biology into things.

You’re not grey because you’re a man and that doesn’t fit the narrative. Lose the persecution complex. Lots of people, even women who tend to agree with Jezebel’s stances, are also grey.

It’s not fair, I wanna fly this. ;.; Stupid migraines. Someone figure that out so I can learn, please.

Man. I hope that’s not a spoiler.

To some extent, I think you’re right. But on the other hand, someone who is massively overweight will find it hard to do any exercise (damaging your joints when you stand will cause exercise to be tough), which means that a lot of their weight loss will be from muscle, which is going to exacerbate future problems. I

Portion size. Have you seen the portion sizes in the US? And the problem is that once you get used to eating a really massive amount of food, it starts to feel normal, and then you aren’t satisfied without that amount of food, and thus something that shouldn’t be a problem really becomes one.

Because people want to think that they could have predicted it and stopped it. But I guess it’s hard to look past the surface to the not-nice harasser and killer underneath the nice-guy facade.

If they divorce according to the state, aren’t they still married according to the church? (Or is it just Catholicism that doesn’t recognize divorce unless without an actual annulment?)

62 seconds! There was some extra time built in for lag.

Um. Not all. Canada doesn’t. If you leave the country, you really should buy insurance— the federal government recommends buying insurance even just for cross border shopping trips (although I doubt anyone does that).

I think refusing “support mixed-race marriage” probably wouldn’t be actionable if it were a white person who came into a white-owned bakery. Yes, it would show the bakery’s staff up as racist assholes, and might trigger people to look into their hiring processes, but being racist assholes isn’t, in and of itself,

It’s so weird to me that all these elementary schools have lunch programs in the US. When I were a lass in Ontario, Canada, you got what your mama packed you, and if she didn’t pack you anything, too bad. We didn’t have a cafeteria until high school, and I’m pretty sure that was only because my high school was all

First three? What, are you including BoS or something?

From the article, it sounds like the flight attendant was already there though. -_-

I wish MRAs would focus more on those issues rather than trying to just derail women’s issues, the way I usually see them swoop in to do. (Like the oneforoblivion dude is doing right now. Sigh.) We all deserve good treatment.

Probably because it didn’t go farther than him. Had someone said something, do you think the crazy racist would have backed down? Personally, I doubt it. Don’t get me wrong, it would have been the asshole’s fault, not the fault of someone who confronted him, but unless someone is physically dangerous, I don’t think

That sounds like a good way to get blamed for the airplane making an emergency landing for crazy passengers. Confined spaces are not good places to confront people, generally.

I think you get two types of student: one that overreacts, and one that gives up (the gives up one is why I think that sometimes students do need their parents’ help, if only to tell them that an ombudsman exists). Neither situation is good. But I agree that these processes should not be there to suppress academia.

... First world problems. ;)

Isn’t she way too old to have a job at this point? If anything, she should be on a state pension.