This is exactly my point. I have done work on game creation and I would not be happy with it.
This is exactly my point. I have done work on game creation and I would not be happy with it.
Give him a break, eating that boot is the only chance at a dinner break he’s gonna get while in crunch.
I think the question that I have about it is if they’re also trading off a shorter, more soul-sucking version of crunch for a longer but more manageable version.
>> The problem was never women in video games - the problem was men in video games seeing women in video games (again, playing, speaking about, etc.).
Eh, trolling was trolling until they became mobs of jackasses who banded together to cause real damage to people’s lives. I miss the olden days when a troll just pissed you off and you could laugh it away. Now it’s like they set economic policy.
You mean harassing people online isn’t the same as me saying dumb shit to annoy people in the Yahoo Chat religion channel 20 years ago?
People did NOT know better in 2001. LOL
No. The violence and poverty of their countries is what motivates them to attempt to migrate to the U.S. This is true. The attempt to cross a desert or river, at risk of death, is because the normal method of presenting themselves at the border to request asylum is not available to them as a direct result of…
Not true. They want the Army at the border, shooting people who get too close.
AOC: There is a big problem at the border where there are concentration camps
Seriously. You want to be treated like a journalist, you have to act like one. When you selectively release damaging material to inflict calculated political damage on specific parties in order to advance your own interest, you’re not a journalist, you’re just a hack. And my appreciation of some of the stories he’s…
I am on record as disagreeing with Assange on his failure to properly curate released material, which I have called irresponsible. Edward Snowden shares my opinion. But I don’t believe for a moment that Assange’s authoritarian detractors are sincere when they imply that it’s a lack of redactions that enrages them.…
Oh, no, I totally understand the ad hominem distraction. But you’re focusing on my issues with Assange’s character, and not the way he redacted (or, really, failed to redact) documents to protect individuals during his data dumps—or the fact that he picked and chose what he revealed to suit his own political…
Assange’s disclosures were messy, they made a lot of powerful people mad, and there’s a compelling case that some of then did cause harm.
“Of course it is possible for children, even those who are not immunocompromised, to die from complications of the measles. But not that many.”
Don’t these people know better than to get on a bus with Keanu Reeves?
Do you remember the whole “sad Keanu” meme from a few years ago? People freaked out because he is so beloved, and all these stories of his kindness and being a great person were shared.
Finding out Keanu Reeves is a genuinely nice guy makes the world seem slightly less shitty.
Short answer: no. Long answer: AHAHAHAAHA of course it fucking won’t! It will crash and burn just like every other game streaming service.