
So, the caveat here is that I’m specifically doing graphics, and that I haven’t shipped for next gen yet. Also, regardless of my statements, I just want to be clear that I don’t think the S is a dead end console, and I’m not trying to make you regret your purchase. Microsoft has been clear that anyone who wants to

As a developer, I hate the Xbox S. It’s going to require us to make something closer to current gen at the same time as next gen. Pain in the ass.

So... ya know hydrophobic particles exist, and that no one is claiming that molecules have brains to be afraid of water, right?

I’m working on current gen, so it might be a little different but.... At my office (in the US), the dev kits themselves stay at work. We can still compile and test on them because Sony and MS both provided remote viewing access as part of the tools. We connect to our computers in the office, and the computers in the

Right. The lack of chains makes it perfectly normal and okay for me to be at work for that long for most of a year.

Great article.

Two things. First, Pepe was owned. The creator could DMCA that shit. No one owns the word troll.

I miss Usenet, too, but we have to accept that it’s been used this way for over fifteen years now. We’re past the point where we can make troll mean the same thing as back in the mid-nineties.

It’s still possible if you’ve got a friend who didn’t delete it, right? Hard for me to imagine anyone with interest AND a friend who has it still wouldn’t have already experienced it, but theoretically...

I mean, honestly, I didn’t hear that it was wrong in the context of costumes until about 2005. Tyra Banks was still promoting it as an okay thing in 2009. I’m just not so sure that everyone with white privilege knew better in 2001.

There are legit reasons to watch it. I mean, the Daily Show writers must have had to watch Fox News in order to satirize it, right? I’d assume they needed therapy of course, just like the people who have to look at monstrous acts for work-related reasons really need therapy.

Well, I joined a game studio that had 0 internet presence when it started and didn’t have much for the first year beyond a really crappy “hi, here’s where we’re located, apply here!” button. It’s not really that hard to put up a website, so I really wouldn’t take that as meaningful anyways. The startup I joined was

Right, I’ll agree that she shouldn’t have called herself a Native American. But how did this work?

A friend of a friend was fired from Ikea for mentioning the place slightly negatively on a non-public blog where he wasn’t identified. They identified him and fired him. (No one seems to have any idea how they knew, but they did.)

Well, some people would be. The others would presumably be talking about no-go zones and poisoned M&Ms, and that it is nice to see the Europeans taking the security of their women seriously with the number of Muslim terrorist-rapists trying to get in by pretending to be refugees.

Apparently we’ve misunderstood. It wasn’t “we will never let this happen again” but “it will never happen again because Hitler is dead.”

It seems weird to me. Most of these restaurant delivery sites have 24x7 chat things. I used the chat once when I messed up at 9pm and didn’t put a tip on the order. They were happy to talk to me immediately so I could give them more money. Is Door Dash customer support really only available through email, or did this

> I know this gets said over and over, but if you are over 50, everybody got the measles when they were children.

These photos look like they come from Children of Men. :(

One day, someone will make a game streaming service that is amazing and lagless and everything everyone ever wanted. And no one will believe it because it’s never been true, and we’ll all keep on our PS8 and Xbox MillionS or whatever.