Uh, when did I say it was bad? Is Straw Hat short for Straw Man? Problematic is not the same thing as bad. It means there are problems surrounding it that I can't fix with a magic wave of a wand, and I hate having my head in the sand about things.
Uh, when did I say it was bad? Is Straw Hat short for Straw Man? Problematic is not the same thing as bad. It means there are problems surrounding it that I can't fix with a magic wave of a wand, and I hate having my head in the sand about things.
Do I need to dig down into reddit's red pill to find men that use women's rape/noncon/tawdry romance porn to justify that women really want to be raped, deep down? I've seen them, but it really ruins my day when I do. I'd rather focus on the idea that a lot of men don't, rather than go looking for the turds of society.
"Trigger warning" was on Livejournal before Tumblr. Trigger warnings got popular in a lot of the fandom scene where I was in the early 2000s. (Personally, I think that some of them are bullshit, like, trigger: character death, while others are probably more useful, like, trigger: rape.) I neither know nor care where…
I dunno. It doesn't get called out in the media much, but I've seen plenty of polarized people talking about rape and noncon and underage (and various other YKINMK so I hate you) and why only evil monsters read/write it. It's harder to find pictures of an online novel, though, so that's probably why videos get called…
I think for some people it does. I mean... think about virtual CP. Now, those of us who have no interest in having sex with kids, it really isn't going to affect us— we don't think kids are attractive. But for assholes who are potential molesters, it makes them think that it's totally normal, lots of people feel this…
StudioFOW makes what is known as "non-con," which is short for "non-consent." As in, rape. The term 'non-con' could be considered a deflection, a way to call the genre something other than rape—some fans bristle at the mention of rape, even if that's technically what is being depicted. But, in the eyes of a fan, it's…
I feel so sorry for them. I work in the LA area, and I've heard a lot of thirdhand stories about how their crunch has been going for a while...
I would think, as opposed to accidental poisoning.
Literally nobody? C'mon now. Rapists are okay with rape, or they wouldn't do it.
I can't remember lying to my parents. I think the only rules they had were, "let us know where you are, and when you plan on coming home." Kind of a "make your own curfew" sort of thing. There was also a "get a part time job or learn something during summer."
Even level balanced, it still looks like a light blue and ugly brown dress to me. I know it's black and blue, but it still doesn't look that way to me. Maybe it's because the real world looks like that to me on days when I've got photophobia— blown out light areas, and the only thing I can really see properly is in…
I don't understand why anyone would say anything bad about her hair in the first place. It's just gorgeous.
That... sounds like an impressive title. I wonder how much it'd cost to get the rights to do that right now.
I sometimes order this, and I know people look at me funny for it. I'm not trying to be healthy, just... I prefer the taste of diet soft drinks. If I were trying to be healthy, I wouldn't go anywhere near the snack bar, heh.
I also don't get it. Let's say she actually IS this guy William Blaney. Is Blaney also playing, is that why this would be a problem?
A kidkilled (and tried to rape) his mother because she took away his CoD. A 46 year old tracked down some kid who called him names in CoD and strangled him. (I'm sure there are others tied to other games, but I recalled the old guy, and google brought me the other one.) Are these outliers? Of course. But they still…
Never been hit on? Maybe you're like me. I am utterly oblivious to it unless it's crystal clear (ie, they ask me out, or friends tell me afterwards). I'm sure I'd be an outlier on that chart.
Look, people. < 10000$ for a video game? It's not going to happen. That covers maybe a couple of artists and a junior programmer for a month, and Kickstarter's taking a percentage off the top as well. 8000 for an procedurally generated RPG platform shooter, on multiple platforms? And the guy's in Sacramento? Oh yeah,…
I think you mean daud, eh?
Be bloody, bold and resolute; laugh to scorn