
I'm pretty sure the menu says how many calories everything is in BIG PRINT. They're not trying to hide anything. And it's pretty easy to stay under 500 calories there while still getting a full meal, which I really appreciated when I was on a diet. Lots of other chain restaurants have a 500 calorie style menu that

The guy's bringing up the user score. Even if you think Metacritic itself is good and useful (personally, I don't), those user scores on Metacritic have been largely set by console war trolls. Oh, on my platform of choice, this is a ten. Other platforms, this game is a 1.

They're sociopaths. Malignant sociopaths. They probably need to be locked up forever, because we don't know how to fix sociopathy...

Okay, I'm glad such a thing didn't pass, but deciding to boycott a democratic process that will restrict your freedoms doesn't sound particularly smart to me.

Yeah, she is! She was an amazing teacher up until she retired, and she still gets people randomly recognizing her on the street with the comment that she was the best teacher, and really helped them with their math skills. Which is extra funny-sad, because she still thinks she's terrible at math. Society: it's a hell

Definitely looks like a game I'd give you side eye for liking. If nothing else, the gameplay looks completely stupid. Really, you're forgiving that minigame because it has scantily clad anime girls in it?

You know... the weirdest thing about this story is the comments. I mean... other than the ones who kind of miss that math isn't just 1+1=2, correct or incorrect, the number of people who think biases don't happen during marking is kind of staggering.

Darn. It is unfortunate that it was doctors. I was really hoping it was friend of a friend or something.

Hm. I dunno if I count. I enjoyed my upbringing. My dad is atheist, my mom is probably a little closer to agnostic, and I was raised as a Catholic. While I was young, there was a great deal of comfort in having an all knowing, all loving god; in knowing that death was not the end; in the automatic community that

How bad it was depended a lot on how old you were when you got it. Mine was uncomfortable more than anything else, partly because I got it during the elementary school years. I haven't heard that the severity of chickenpox affected shingles though. Any legitimate sources, or is that just one of those 'people say'

Vaccinations are a medical procedure that should be voluntary even though they affect more than just the person remaining unvaccinated.

Serious question: a concealed carry is supposed to be so that if some criminal attacks you, you can fight back, right? So how does having it in a secured pocket allow you to get at the thing before the criminal kills you? It just seems so... pointless to me.

She considered a tetanus shot after he cut himself on a wire fence but decided against it.

Well, I don't think they should air it. As part of a documentary, sure (assuming the family agrees), but if A&E aired it, it'd be aired for entertainment purposes. A kid dying should absolutely not be entertainment. I'm iffy on whether reality police shows in general are ethical, but definitely not when it involves a

Nah. The police will be unable to do anything while she is being threatened, despite Benson believing that they ought to be able to help. Then, she will be raped, and the court case will revolve around the rapist saying he didn't do it, he was exercising free speech, and the case will be borked by the fact that their

But even then, it will be ignored. Ugh.

The rapist cis-man pretending to be transgender to follow a woman into a bathroom really isn't taking on the burdens of being transgender. If you allow trans-women into the women's bathroom, then you can't police gender by someone looking male or female. You'll have to take them at their word unless you require legal

Yeah. How horrible do you have to be to want to promote, like, black people, or women? Yuck, I just shudder when I think of, like, lying black ladies who complain about being 'raped' or whatever. What do they think they are, people who deserve some respect? You're either born with it, or learn to deal with it, yo.

Did you mean censure?

Games are not beholden to anyone, but criticism, even bad, stupid, or misinformed criticism, has always had a place in the art world. (I'm not calling her criticism that, mind you. I think a lot of her criticism is fairly obvious stuff, and the 'cherrypicking' is particularly easy because there's justso many cherries