fire head girl

Like goddessoftransitory said, Someone Ate This is hilarious. I found out about it from Kitchenette. Make sure you read the tags.

when does the lgbtqai community get to vote for hetero people's rights? It's only fair.

"I excel at avoiding the ubiquitous—push notifications, Knausgaard; libertarians, pumpkin spice—and as a result I came to Not That Kind of Girl in a near-amniotic lack of context."

This opening line is way more annoying than anything Lena Dunham has ever done (except, you know, all of the clueless racist BS).

And I'm tired of rich people (minority) running this country too.

You know what would have been better?

So, I know that I've been wearing the wrong bra size for some time now, so this afternoon I went into Soma to get measured. The bras were generally nice, the employees were helpful, etc.


Don't stop two steps into a store; know what coffee you want before getting to the counter; have your $/credit card/whatever ready before, again, getting to the counter; use a fucking blinker; how about some headlights when it's raining; don't carry a 3' wide purse in a 2' aisle; no one, not even the person you're

State Name : Obesity Ranking : Poorest Ranking

Mississippi, 1 - 1

In case anyone shows up again saying "I'm a white person who is tired of being told to feel guilty about Ferguson" or "I'm a white person who was the victim of racism" (yes, those comments were here), this is you, dumbasses:

Ask him how he'd feel about being on the receiving end of these 'compliments':

Maybe they should try praying away the video.

Con: NYC is a Hellmouth.

More like SMUGshot, right you guys?


Still a better love story than Twilight.

You know what I think? I think anyone who's never stood and stared suicide in the face should shut the fuck up. I think anyone who hasn't cried themselves to sleep and wake in the morning only to find fresh tears are already falling should sit the fuck down. I think anyone who doesn't understand what it's like to be