
Its permitted????!!!!!! What the actual fuck. That is disgusting.

We deserve to go extinct. Let the super intelligent octopi have the world for all I care. We had our chance and we blew it.

“I’m very sorry that what I thought were light-hearted ironic remarks were taken so seriously, and I’m very sorry if people took offense. I certainly did not mean to demean women, but rather be honest about my own shortcomings,”

So in effect, you’ve taken their study and decided that your anecdote is more truthful and relevant because... That is antiscience, bro.

No, that’s about it in that terrible movie.

Emma Stone’s character is so fucking annoying. And she is very annoying in it too. Sometimes I feel that Emma overacts in certain roles, this is one of them.

Love, love, LOVE nz and nzers. But they’ve got fundie hypocritical men fretting about uteruses too.

So far, only Snook and one other consulting doctor are part of the hotline,


Like her skits are way less shitty than her stand up. Like the latino thing. She said something to the effect of “ I used to prefer Latino now I prefer consensual” or the black parents should have google in the hospital room so they can give their children “normal”( i.e. white) names. Like she is basically Lisa

Doesn’t anyone else think this skit is full of tired, old cliches?

I was hoping there was someone else out there who found this sketch as terrible as I did. I have not watched much Amy Schumer and I spent the entirety of the sketch waiting for some enlightening punchline that would make it not seem like a rehash of the same awful and offensive sitcom tropes and it never happened.

thats youtube.

Why is everyone on Amy Schumer so hard? She makes the same tired, old, racist jokes everyone of her male counterparts makes. Like enough, she isn’t that funny. What she gets a pass for all of her shit because she has barely funny, pandering skits?

Yes.’s because Comedy Central is paying for these posts.

I check jezebel all day long too, which is why I am disappointed when a much anticipated update is another Amy Schumer clip of a show I literally just watched.

Yes, I mean, I just feel like there’s a new article about Amy Schumer every other day. She’s funny, her skits are funny, and definitely worth watching and writing about. I just think it’s too much. It’s overwhelming. There’s too much.

Serious question: is this show just being advertised on gawker similar to the Fallon thing a while back?

Gosh, who could have ever guessed that that picture might violate the ToU? I’m sure Arca posted that picture with absolutely no idea that it would be controversial, and is shocked — SHOCKED, I tell you — at the attention it received.