
Did you noticed that in last few days there is lots of women hating trolls who get upvoted, like I can’t believe that Jezebel deffends this monster of a women. Like I saw comment in the previous article about this with 10+ who said word by word Women are whores who should be killed. Like what is happening with the

Thank you so much for posting this. I can’t believe so many people here are defending Kipnis after her comments about false rape accusations being just as harmful as a professor raping students. It’s really disgusting.

The mattress protest is probably a bridge too far, but I cannot for the life of me understand why a

As I wrote in another comment: A graduate student claimed that Peter Ludlow raped her. Ludlow claims that he dated the graduate student in question. The graduate student has consistently denied this. Kipnis simply assumes that Ludlow is telling the truth and implies that the alleged rape victim lying — even accusing

I don’t think you know what you’re talking about. A graduate student claimed that Peter Ludlow raped her. Ludlow claims that he dated the graduate student in question. The graduate student has consistently denied this. Kipnis simply assumes that Ludlow is telling the truth and implies that the alleged rape victim

The only way to make it so that students can’t file frivolous complaints is to not allow them to file Title IX complaints at all, which obviously isn’t ideal.

I would like for people who have only heard her side of the story to look more into the facts on the ground. Here’s a more fairminded characterization of why there was an investigation into Kipnis:… Excerpt:

I’m in the same boat as you. She was likable in Easy A, but now I just can’t stand her, and this movie just isn’t helping. I’m appalled she event took the role.

I think we are in the same position, career wise and when it comes to personal values. There are so many pitfalls to student- professor relationships that I personally chose a long time ago not to even go there. I keep in touch with some of the students I taught or TAed, some became good friends over the years, but

I disagree with her argument, but nothing in what she’s saying should result in the loss of academic freedom — a loss already occuring thanks to increased corporatization. Criticizing the law as it stands shouldn’t be punished as a thoughtcrime.

Really? Pop ups? Fuck that.

The self-reflecting kind, ideally. And speaking of, self-reflection seems to be missing from both the Northwesten students’ and Laura Kipnis’s ideas and behaviour. If, as a student, your first reaction to an idea you disagree with is to try to censure the person who uttered that idea, then maybe you still need to

Yeah, I found her piece really weird and off-putting, and a poor example of “feminism” that Jezebel should be promoting - basically, it was classic victim shaming: “I didn’t feel harassed/victimized when this happened, so you shouldn’t either!” I also agree it thoroughly ignored power dynamics between teaching staff

I think you’re reacting pretty fairly. I was lied to about the alcohol content of a beverage, and had too much and passed out. Then the man who raped me did just that. He had planned that. He knew I had said that I only wanted to have X drinks because I had taken medicine for menstrual cramps, and that I didn’t want

I am not a frequent commenter anymore and am cast into the greys but, can I take part in this conversation? The rallying cry of “The Personal is Political” has become easily eaten up into the fluff of consumer faux feminism because “empowerment” is now a code word for anything that feels good. This is also precisely

I like that you think second wave feminism is misogyny.

I’m 37, and to me it feels like they’ve replaced traditional intolerances with all kinds of exciting new intolerances.

How? She basically waxes nostalgically about student/teacher relationships:

This is absurd: Kipnis’ original article was the worst kind of feminism—maintaining that students should be allowed to sleep with their professors because WOMEN POWER. Seriously, it was incoherent and ignored power dynamics. Kipnis claims to be a feminist but is so very second wave she’s veered off into misogyny.

While I’m not terribly supportive of the students outrage here, this woman doesn’t have any of my sympathy ‘cause she’s is basically lamenting that professors sleeping with students is no longer OK.

With the risk of doxxing myself, I go to NU and am a grad student. I think her essay is in extremely poor taste since the “great prohibition” came out of a professor being a complete fucking creep (Peter Ludlow). Yes, it’s messed up to prohibit people from loving each other, but it hasn’t been socially acceptable for