
Of course, this statistic could not in any way possibly be related to the industry that lovingly supports female empowerment and treats all of its empowered workers empoweredly and respectfully and inculcates the same tendencies in men, right? Because pornography and sex works is all about making things great for

Not to mention the four dozen “think pieces” next week from Jason Parnham, et. al.

I’m a daily commenter – a daily commenter for years – and after the password hack (let’s not ever forget that the reason we have “the greys” and Kinja is because Denton can’t be bothered to use some of his offshored wealth for a decent proprietary user ID/password system – and because I am anti-porn, anti-sex work,

Oh well, Anna Merlan, then. A paragon of journalistic virtue. You know what? I normally do not comment on posts where I see you’ve marked because I know that the entire thread is going to be consumed be your “yeahs” “uh huhs” “me toos” “oh I don’t really know anything about ______ (literally any subject) because I’ve

How do you know? I’m pretty sure you’re not Nick Denton.

As with the multitude of posts about the racist comedian, needs “sponsored content” tag.

“...frequented by post-structuralist art history fans...”

Because these posts are paid placements, because the Jezebel staff is anti-woman, and because Schumer herself got her position through the sorts of connections Jezebel lambasts Paltrow and Dunham for...

Except that I hate the general concept of gif posting and all the fake problems it has caused here, I’d have to post the Mugatu “I feel like I’m taking crazy pills” snippet for the incredulous tone of this post and some of the responses. ... are you really saying you do not see female genitalia and an anus? Seriously?

Jezebel is run by women-haters, what else were you expecting?

Yes exactly. I keep in touch too with students I have advised and I am pleased to hear of their further academic and professional progress and tidbits of major personal news – wedding, baby, death in family, etc. Otherwise...

I see what you are saying.

She’s not being punished. Having one’s name bandied about in the media is not “punishment,” particularly in the wake of a provocative and hubristic public position. Her position is, as I pointed out elsewhere, akin to male professors in cases involving harassment and sexual impropriety investigations – basically what

Yes, her article was out of line. The author of this post is a hipster Brooklyn blogger, not a tenured PhD. It doesn’t really matter what she thinks. The behaviors Kipnis was valorising if not outright illegal (and in fact in violation of Title IX) were very much transgressions against the type of morals clauses that

She actually is exactly the type of feminist liked here on Jezebel: a choice “I can do whatever I want” feminist.

Are you a tenured humanities scholar? No? Then you’re uninformed here compared to the people commenting who are.

Thanks for stating this with such a level head. I’m a Phd in the same field as Kipnis and I was disgusted by her article. I’m very in the minority on Jezebel and in academia also, but, I do think it is possible to go through your entire career and not sleep with your students. If you can’t refrain from viewing

LÖL. Further interpretation:

Did you see her responses to the commenters who were less than thrilled with the crappy photos of Target “jewelry” she posted the other day? Epic defensiveness to the point of paranoia. Instant classic.