
Boondock 4evah.

I did not say anything like that at all. If I were a writer on a highly trafficked public site who posted breathlessly about what shade of MAC C-series made my olive complexion less chalky one week and then the next “confessed” the next I was too lazy to look in the dictionary, and also thought this was normal going

Right, because anyone who disagrees with you on the Internet is trolling, right? Setting aside the fact that that’s not what trolling means, how do you deal with people who counter your opinions IRL, at work, at school?

Since you are an aficionado of the staff of this website you must be aware that under the self-involved reign of Carmichael there is a featured devoted to what beauty and makeup products that staff uses. This makes the comment relevant, and warranted, and it is the management and the staff who are sexist, by promoting

In the same NYT article, and also in its headline, Meara is referred to as a comedian. Comedienne was happily deleted from the AP (and also academic writing) style guides, oh, real in 1992? This is like the third gaff in a post headline in a row, not to mention your writer boasting downpage that she

“What if scores of writers purposely dodged segue the way you might just reconstruct a sentence when you can’t figure out how to conjugate it correctly.”

I guess...I mean I think Rebel Wilson, Adele, and Melissa McCarthy (and Kathy Bates and Nell Carter to invoke different decades model) are all fine people and fine entertainers but in terms of the sort of “Vitruvian Woman” ideal of attractiveness they have very even facial features, wide-set eyes, full lips, good

I’m always very skeptical when Jezebel goes with the over-the-top-compliment lede: see this one on Janet Mock who actually is very far from “an all around inspiration to humans everywhere.” It’s so patronizing an pat-on-the-head-y, like, “us Brooklyn Queens are here to give the seal of approval to those we deem on the

You have feminism confused with objectivism.

I actually installed a site blocker script from GreaseMonkey on my Firefox browser so that when I see a page populated by KP or HCC I can physically prevent myself from giving the site views for the remainder of the day. You’re so right about the cutesy attempts at “spontaneous glibness.” There has to be an element of

Don’t hold your breath. Remember how long Isha Aran had this gig despite nonsense like this? I do agree that Karyn is perhaps even more histrionically mean-spirited, but it’s Carmichael (obviously actually Denton) who like them that way.

No, this is not at all, not in any way, correct. A lot of people, until recently, could present universities with the ‘two bodies’ scenario and a surprising amount of the time, it worked, and both parties were hired, including into tenure track positions. Please do not ever think or tell people that there aren’t

Wow, I had forgotten about that. The Magnolias and Lemonade or whatever person has more than made up for the lack of overt awfulness in the initial post.

Sorry, how is your situation my fault? It’s not. We all choose our paths and sometimes we get what we want and other times we don’t.”

Those individuals have not even populated this thread yet...please don’t invoke them by reciting their names. If I thought Gawker would use it I’d write and sell for like $5 the code to insert into Kinja’s user-end CSS specifically to block having to see certain commenters, and those two are in the top five among that

matter of fact i’m gonna pay by check.

I’m also German so this is like literally one of the best things anyone’s ever said about me. If I could have it included with the student evaluations for mid-tenure review or something, I would. I’m serious (naturally).

The last – and actually first – line of argument from Jezebel’s “choice feminism” crew: “I don’t like what you have to say, so shut up.”

The word “empowerment” is a misogynist bullshit word from the Reagan ‘80s - you know, when the good times for women really began to roll. The act of selling the right to let someone touch, look at, or otherwise have access to your body is in and of itself degrading and violent.

I do. If I accepted money for some bro to break my jaw or saw off my leg, it would still be violent and unacceptable as a transaction in any construal of civilisation, whether I consented or accepted money for it or not. Prostitution or as the as empowerment crowd likes to euphamize it, “sex work” is no different. The