I've been scouting this league for years. I don't use numbers, I trust my eyes and gut.
I've been scouting this league for years. I don't use numbers, I trust my eyes and gut.
Similar questions can be asked about pro cycling.
List could also be for local indie bands.
In college I was a passenger in a car that nearly ran over Moss in training camp of his 2nd year. The girl driving screamed about almost running over...”that one good guy”.
I work at a ski hill and we use snowmobiles to get around. Normally we use a 20 mph speed limit. But in the mornings when you know it’s safe... racing a sled uphill at 60 mph is fun.
Good riddance. Dolphins are unholy rape machines.
This was such an unpopulated wasteland before the white man showed up.
If he blossoms, he would have been a huge fan favorite in Minnesota if we hadn’t have traded him. I live in a town in northern Minnesota with plenty of residents who view themselves more as Finn than American it seems.
I generally hate all things pickled. But pickled Northern (the fish) is amazing.
“extra muscle and growth he’s shown this year”......so Steroids are cool again?
Disc golf. As a person who knows disc golfers, this is a real difference.
As a MN Timberwolves fan, sadly I assumed this post referred to THOSE #wolves.
I assumed you meant your SO.
Was going to ask if Tim was Rocks brother.
I think that dolphin is looking for the trainer's blow hole.
When I was in 5th grade, my family bought a lake cabin a few miles from a Midwest ski hill. I told my dad how cool it’d be to live there and work at the hill. My dad’s disappointment in raising such a non ambitious underachiever was palpable. Today I’m 40 and live real close to that cabin and work at that ski hill.…
I’ve never decided if I love to hate Cab or hate to love him.
You lost me at “Minnesota Twins star".
Understandable. Start with a name brand bike from Craigslist or look into rental. But do not go the department store route, much better off with an early 90's Specialized.