
It doesn’t work like that. Professional athletes don’t get taxed in-state for all of their income because many of their games take place out of state, and even athletes from non-tax states (like Texas) get taxed on their income for road games. So Sacramento Matthews wouldn’t have been taxed by California on all of his

Hats off to Billie Piper for nailing that scene. She vaulted over the absurdity and never came down.

Yes, before he was a Pope-sicle.

And when the blood clears, Patchface will be sitting on the Iron Throne. And when the horrified masses turn to GRRM, and ask, with aghast faces, “Why??”, he’ll look down and whisper “Because fuck you, that’s why.”

I have this theory that Denise hates her brother so much that she’s been deliberately trying to destroy the team he loves so much since she took over, what, 15 years ago. The success of the Harbaugh years was purely accidental and Jed has been sternly warned that if anything like it happens again, she’ll take the team

Maybe the worst adaptation of all time. It’s definitely in the top 5 at least.

James Garfield died on a Monday.

Damn you Whedon. Dollhouse did not deserve to live when it was a straight choice between both shows by the network.

I felt The River was just starting to hit it's mark mixing in magic with the detective story of finding Emmit. I also enjoyed the volatile mix of character personalities.

To me, the last model looks blue with black hair.

"follow the road map on her body "

I don't know who that color commentator is, but I want to hear him doing every sport on earth! Hockey! Baseball! Wing-eating contests! Curling! Darts! Spelling bees!

"It's hard to tell if Woodbury is doing this maliciously"

Others will have sex

I am reminded of Old Spice for some reason...

Now playing

I just remember this is still a great trailer for a godawful movie:

So, when do we reach peak Pratt? Every hero has to fall eventually, right?

Turin' Test 2: Electric Boogaloo

Three years without a test? What do they think those swabs are, FSU football players?