There is no way that the Republican pig-fucks will honor Justice Ginsberg’s wishes. They’re probably smirking and rubbing their hands together as I type this.
“Yeah if the Dems don’t refuse to seat anyone using the same argument the Republicans did then they don’t deserve to be in power. No high road bullshit this time.”
Well written, smart, fair piece. Hope you don’t get roasted for it.
Warriors Revolution: What if we play basketball based on absurd 3-point shooting and spacing, creating openings with swift ball movement and requiring defenses to guard shots previously thought impossible? We’ll play with a small, quick lineup, that will outpace slower, larger players, making them either lose on…
Could you be more specific?
Why couldn’t Drake have torn his Achilles? No matter which team you support here, I feel like we can all rally behind that!
I am curious whether it is possible to have a good faith debate about this or, if it is so charged and everyone is so entrenched in their positions, if it isn’t.
Good to see LeBron get another shot after his last GM stint ended poorly.
I hate the warriors as much as the next (non norcal) person but even I’d admit that the only reason boogie got to GS is because the other teams let him. To me this means one of two things - either every other contending front office is stupid or his injury is worse than reported and he’s a 50-50 bet to even play this…
I’ve been thinking back to that with this whole Luke Heimlich thing. Gays? Distraction. Guy who raped his six-year-old cousin? Not a distraction.
At least we didn’t have the vacuum filled by a bunch of CIA-trained mujahedeen warlords leftover from Afghanistan. Imagine how stupid we’d feel if that had happened?
I mean she considers Iraq a success because we removed Saddam; the rest (i.e., a failed state brought about by a power vacuum) is just ancillary.
Aren’t “blue collar and gritty” just sports synonyms for “white and untalented?”
I don’t see any reason to put him on the playoff roster. I mean, typically, coaches shorten their bench, anyway, and they’re not really a team that relies on their bench that much as it is.
It pretty much comes down to the Rockets having the two biggest practitioners of “gamesmanship” in the league.
For comparison: Look at this fuckin donut.
Wait, so Canada built a guy from scratch like Frankenstein, with the express intent for him to be a snowboarder, and he could only win bronze? Nice try hosers!!!
I’m a Warriors fan and been one for most of my 50 years. But who is the intended audience of this drivel? No one I knows who supports the Warriors would find it appealing and i’d venture that my kids and their friends would also be hard-pressed to find a reader. Does this shit exist for every team?