fink stinger

If by invented you mean successive Norse conquerors imposed it on you...

I feel like you don’t get that this is real. It’s not rare or unexpected in many schools. Kids are dumb (regardless of socio-economic background). I have seen what happened here more times than I have fingers...

There is a time to hit people, he is the only one in this story who knows when that is.

“Thats gotta be one charmin’ motherfucker. I mean way more charmin’ than that Arnold on Green Acres.”

I commented this on another post, but I will post it here as well.

I was working on another car in the pits and looked up at the video board to see 2 cars sitting in 3 absolutely destroyed.

The story was a cars throttle stuck and spun Shane so that his left side struck the wall before he had scrubbed off a lot of

Honestly wasn’t that bad of a last stand if you ask me.

These bystanders weren’t so heroic.


I saw a pretty good documentary about that a while back

Ironically, the HOA fee probably lowered your property value by more than his front-yard car repair would have.

Drunk and stupid is no way to go through life.

Is it possible that this incident showed Bernie the importance of radio communication?

so what now, keep adding warnings ?

AWACS on, AWACS off.


That would require actually having friends.

Pretty sure that’s a Lame Bro

There is, of course, a win-win solution to the problem...

"A year passed: winter changed into spring, spring changed into summer, summer changed back into winter, and winter gave spring and summer a miss and went straight on into autumn."