fink stinger

It’s Canada. They asked politely and said please, so the driver really had no other option.

A wise man once said, “You gotta be a stupid mutha***** to get fired on your day off!”

While I can’t bring myself to be outraged (it’s an underground event, they’re going to do it anyway), it definitely rubs me the wrong way.

I won’t lie. I went out yesterday to get my daughter an Easter gift, and I might have given my Mustang an “Italian tune up”.

All your base are belong to us.

Hi Kristen,

It really is a Ferrari experience at a quarter the price.

Is it just me, or is this fucking website getting harder and harder to load?

“Good Tires”, Bob mused, casually lighting a cigarette, “But certainly not great tires.”

Worse still, I took time to read it, and then ponder whether to reply to it, and then decided against that after reading your answer which said all I could have wanted to say only better, and then wrote this.

Maybe not the way you drive.

C3: Okay, folks, thank you all for gathering today. We called this emergency meeting to discuss the overwhelming press coverage of the new C8 and what must be done to divert attention away from it.

We could just play “I Spy with my Little Eye” instead of NPOCP...

I’m just having trouble imagining any Rover that goes fifteen years without a breakdown.

Have you ever tried to wake up a 15-year old?  Maybe it’s just being mopey and emo right now.

Looks like he’s gonna need two kinds of new Capris

I saw a tractor trailer once that said: