fink stinger

Every time I type in a password into that website the number of pwned passwords increases.

When I was in Sarajevo I saw a Yugo towing a Golf

That’s the thing: For a weird tenth of a second, in the theater, I thought that the reaction I was having was dislike. And then I realized that it was just that I was on the verge of fainting.

Any round front truck is a diesel, manual. The square front trucks are almost always automatic and gas.  

Floating shelves don’t actually float.

These videos are outstanding tutorials in using explicit Russian slang in real-life situations. my lawnchair jellyfish parachute thingie...

There’s ALWAYS a risk with withdrawals, but if you’re gonna practice the withdrawal method, an early withdrawal is safer.

When the building gets down to only one it will have to shout “Uno!”.

The heels of cheetahs. It takes six cheetahs to make a can (technically twenty-four paws) - you kill said cheetahs (humanely of course), cut off their heels, grind the heels with cyanoacrylates, pressurize the pulp, stick them in a can, and toss the rest of the cheetahs in the dumpster. Worked awesome until the

They should have just shot the damn thing, all they’re good for is their meat.

Humans take a toll on the environment merely with their existence.


These things need to be banned until the long term health-effect of living near them can be properly studied and vetted. There’s strong evidence of negative side effects from the constant low frequency pulse of the turbine’s motion. They built one near a friend of mine’s uncles house. His wife suddenly got herpes out

Oh check your privilege! When its white bears you call it “winning the lottery” but I bet when there are pictures of BLACK bears rummaging through campsites you probably call it “looting.”

Years ago towards the end of my commute on an off ramp there was a clown shoe on the side of the road. I just assumed he gave up clowning and disappointed his family which had a long history of being clowns.

Have you ever had a phone with the fingerprint sensor on the back? Once you try it, you’ll never go back. It’s the perfect place, especially with the move to bezel-less front panels.

Stonehenge was already trampled by midgets according to that Spinal Tap documentary. I mean, it’s not that impressive of a monument, being only 36" tall.

Weird, since everyone in that video seems thoroughly competent, careful, and generally intelligent. I guess this just goes to show you that freak accidents can occur to the best of us no matter how many precautions you take.

Snakes are perfectly shaped food for other snakes.