fink stinger

Is this where we RSVP?

Hope they got that asshat’s plates.


From the brief time they are on screen the rigging being used appears to be continuous slings. So internal knotting could totally be a possibility. And unless someone is familuar with them may not know to look for knots or how to find them. On a job I was on last year I discovered an extremely bad serious of knots in

Slicks shouldn’t even be run on the street. Hopefully he’s running some Pro Street MTs instead, which shouldn’t be quite as dramatic as drag slicks. (Plus, the amount of paint and polish in the engine bay makes me think it’s more for show than quarter mile times.)


Yep. If we could actually get states and localities to enforce the passing lane as being a passing lane and not a “but I was doing the speed limit in the far left lane, you should have ticketed the cars speeding to pass me on the right” lane, and ticketing cars for passing on the right, both of those should massively

Or, since Pluto failed to clear it’s orbit, “gravitationally challenged”.

Dont bring a bare face to a helmet fight.

Is that a MegaHertz transporter?

Iz like looking in a mirruh.

The only thing dumber than some of us is all of us, together.

Better to write off a car than a person.

Your local Russian is here to translate.

Saw a clip this morning where Angel Dust is looking down from on high at Deadpool et al, and he says, “She’s gonna do a superhero landing,” and then, sure enough, she does the cliche landing where she goes down on a knee.

It’s so cute when Americans think a movie is released in the US first all the time.

—signed, an American
