fink stinger

Monster. 1993 bored to 984, with ported dual plug heads, taper bored carbs, and full Staintune exhaust.

I have heard there was explosive residue found on the hole.

The red mist was probably a thicker than water type liquid that was once inside a large self propelled container.

Sure! Pretty lambo, that is, dude!

Pretty dude, sure that’s a lambo

NASA was not aware of any damage to the wing. Computer modeling had shown that no chunk of foam coming off the bipod strut would be able to damage the wing leading edge. Unfortunately the modeling was wrong. And unfortunately this mission was one of the rare ones that didn’t go to the ISS, so there was no one to see

sounds to me like the insurance co is having cake and eating it.

One of my former law partners said that a friend’s third marriage “was the ultimate triumph of hope over experience.”

I found her CDL Instructor.....

He dated a few sailors in his day.

Everyone knows rear-prop drive makes for real donuts.

In fairness, if you’ve gotta die, going out coked up in a brothel is probably one of the better ways. Right behind saving your entire family from the wreck of a burning battleship.

So that’s what gets swapped out! Thanks for sharing.

I respect that you don’t drink, but you do know that you would need to go to 3 different stores in Philly to fill that order. PA liquor statutes are by far the most archaic and ass-backward in the union. I will gladly research and ghostwrite a post for you about it.

very clearly a broken tie rod on the driver side when they pull the front clip off. I’m sure that wasn’t helping the “go straight” part.

Very nice start to the week.

Man, I knew the Beast was built on a truck frame, but this really emphasizes that fact.

Aww crap... they’ve been tweeted by a woman. Now they need new ones.