fink stinger

Hello, I drive both a BMW E30 and a fullsize pickup truck. I'm not sure if you have ever driven a fullsize pickup truck, but their turning radii are somewhere in the range of Montana Class battleship. So, a lot of times parking lots/spaces aren't even engineered to allow you to approach nose in. If you do, you are

If you don’t back into the spot, you have to back out of the spot. I don’t understand what the problem is here - it should take the same amount of time.

Um, no it doesn’t. Many dense parking lots require 3-point turns to nose-in to a spot. Backing in can be done in one turn and is much more efficient. It also helps you to see cross traffic when you are pulling out.

You’re objectively in the wrong regarding the backing issue.

Either you pull straight into a space and back out, or you back into a space and pull straight out. In both cases the same amount of time / distance is spent backing. So that part is a wash.

Where the advantage lies is that it’s considerably safer to back

I back in all the time, we call it first move forward-it’s a safety thing. That being said I wouldn’t do it if there was someone behind me waiting for a parking spot, that is kinda dick-ish.

As a frequent back-in parker, I see no reason not to do this - as the situation warrants. In a busy lot? Sure, head in is the only way to go. Nothing wrong with backing in to a space. It makes getting out of the spot so much easier.

Just addressing the first thing, but I can back into a spot faster than half the people can pull in forward. Being able to pull out forward prevents that first half of pulling out where you’re completely blind and blocking traffic anyway, so it seems like a net gain, plus I used to have battery issues so leaving the

I park next to classics all the time on purpose so that no one else can. I said this elsewhere that I do it to help, because I know I’m not going to hit the car and I know it will prevent someone else from being able to do it or, God forbid, one of those people that dings other cars on purpose to try and “prove a

I don’t agree with parking in two spaces, but it seems like this guy tries to avoid being a dick by parking in empty areas, even if he is taking up two spaces.

Who the fuck cares if someone takes up two spaces? Mind you own business and get a life.

Well, expense shouldn’t be a problem, since a 3-series costs more than an average car. One of the reasons I dismiss the 3er is that a “premium” car, especially a performance-oriented one, should have better than struts.

Looks like a gray, Rubbermaid 50 gallon trash can. More than likely, on a swivel roller wheel base as well. Pretty handy to have to clean up messes. We have about 6 in our production/warehouse area.

Brave Sir Robin ran away

Long term feasibility? The IOM TT races have been taking place every year for over the last 100 (that’s a century) years. This race is bigger and older than every single one of us. The entire island lives for this race. And from an economic standpoint, it brings in a tremendous amount of tourism for the two weeks the

I really hope that 3D printer prints “Made in Space” on the side of everything it prints

Space toilets didn’t become a thing until space travel was a couple decades old. Before then they had to store it in bags.

Sometimes the gods permit you to succeed because they admire your bravery. And some times the gods permit you to succeed so that your eventual failure will be more entertaining.

But what does he have to do when he gets there???

I’ve still got it!

I've watched countless Isle of Man vids and I'm always mesmerized, frightened, inspired, transfixed, dumbfounded, humbled and shitload of other adjectives that never even really do it justice, cause words just don't....