
All of the above. Also, I recognize Israel's right to exist and defend itself while simultaneously deploring the its apartheid-like policies towards Gaza and its tendency to engage in out of proportion violence at the slightest provocation.

Even that's probably not going far enough back, and once you go much further back everyone stops looking a lot less like villains and a lot more like practically mediaeval feuding peasants. When a bunch of Jewish peasant farmers from Eastern Europe met a bunch of Middle Eastern peasant farmers, it's not all that

You're a cut above most here.

There's lots of Israel/Palestine talk in my house, and the kids were curious about why we were speaking ill of "Hummus". I explained that we were speaking about an organization called "Hamas" and my daughter was like, "that makes sense because who doesn't like hummus?" And then I remarked if there's one thing people

I would never stoop to calling you names. Besides, near as I can tell the real villains in this situation are the British of roughly 85 years ago.

You are correct. Bonus points for presenting additional information without calling me a Zionist or Terrorist.

It's actually a little more than them just being an Israeli company. It's that Sabra gives support to two specific brigades in the IDF that are know for, depending on your perspective, either doing whatever it takes to defend Israel from Arab aggression or severe human rights violations against helpless Palestinians.

Bright Star is one of my very favorites! It makes me cry all the tears.

I agree about Wollstonecraft. Where's her movie?

Nope! Canada! I also went to school with a girl who had a friend who named her child Holden Evan Hiscock. It was a family name and he'd actually be called by his middle name, which was Evan, but still... Someone is gonna find out poor little Evan's secret someday...

And look what happened to him!

I love Martha Stewart so much. her recipes aren't that great, and most of the other projects in her magazine/on the website are basically impossible, but I don't even care. MARTHA PLEASE BE MY MENTOR.

You can probably tell by my incessant starring, but I love your (and FinchHaus10's) comments! They're such a relief to read. I mean, I'm Israeli-American but studied something Islam-related and am married to a (mildly pro-Israel, non-Arab) Muslim and am part of a bunch of predominantly Muslim communities, and am

That is my mom... I've been working hard to find the balance between censoring myself around here and not worrying too much when she's upset by something I say.

This advice is even more desperately needed in grad schools, than in office environments.

It seems to be really hard for people to understand that this situation is extremely complicated and terrible. The IDF and Bibi are not all Israelis (Bibi has an ATROCIOUS approval rating among young Israelis and a majority of the country felt the country was moving in the wrong direction even before this all

Its 'funny' (ironic?) that all of the ways Israelis are working to protect themselves - physically when you look at things like the horrific plans and terror tunnels etc, and mentally - like "Bombshelter Selfies" or "sexy" photos for the IDF are going around and demonized, but the UNRWA returning weapons found in

I went to a dog welfare fundraiser and only thing that kept me from just mailing my donation was that Nigel Barker was going to make an appearance. Could care less about the dog themed band performing.

Seriously. I never recovered from the loss of Miss J. and Janice Dickinson. "I love Bethany. Bethany is Bob Mackie on crack."

It's ridiculous. They may as well have written "HEY COMPLAIN ABOUT ISRAEL AND ZE JEWS HERE" as the title. The pro-Palestine 'Jew' who claims Israel already won the conflict a while ago is stupid too. I'm trying to resist talking to them, but it is so hard. I mean, I can't even understand the mindset where people just