
Yeah, I don't understand how people come to the conclusion that the IDF= the SS. There is terrible violence going on, but people are going to be doing stupid non-serious stuff at the same time. We have drones bombing wedding parties and many a girl dressed up as a sexy soldier at home and yet we understand this. I

Without taking a position on this, I think it's relevant to mention that all Israeli citizens are expected to serve 2-3 years of compulsory military service. Men and women. It's not unreasonable to presume that at least some of these women are current or former IDF members themselves. It isn't just a tribute to the

Another reason might be because they aren't permitted to enjoy the fairly-basic human right of sexual freedom.

God bless Cameron Esposito:

I tend to say "basically" when I'm about to launch into a complicated explanation. Which, yeah. No sense.

I've found that I've been saying "with that being said" more and more when I lecture.

One of the big bosses as my work uses 'As far as' as verbal filler, in a way that doesn't even always makes sense but clearly helps him get through public speaking. I now look forward to when he speaks in meetings, because every time he says it I get all "Aw, there goes Edward, saying 'as far as' while he thinks of

Wow, that's an understandably dark view on love by Ms. Turner.

Ooo, oo, a misheard lyrics thread? Because I knew a girl who thought the lyrics to "Tiny Dancer" were "Hold me close and tie me down, sir."

I have a friend who mostly follows paleo and has never felt better. She loves high protein, high fat and low carb stuff.
I tried it for a week and pretty much stopped eating because I couldn't get down another pair of greasy eggs with no toast. I'd rather go to bed hungry.
I do really well on a high-fiber diet with

I pretty much just stopped cold-turkey with all processed carbs and got creative. I did the lettuce wraps, I did veggies and cheese, etc. After you don't have it for a while you don't miss it. I ate a piece of bread the other day and it tasted pretty bad, and most sweets are too sweet for me now. Lots of protein, lots

Yep, it's our little bit of the Dust Bowl.

True story: I actually heard it initially as "Concrete jungle wintry tomato."

I think you are confusing "respect" with "basic dignity".

I love the idea Page Six has cultural significance.

Fuck. If I had ever met Peter Falk, I probably wouldn't have been able to shut up about Wings of Desire. Also, a plane ride with any of the Kids in the Hall would be glorious.

Actor James Garner of Maverick and The Rockford Files TV series, but probably best known to our generation as Old Duke from The Notebook

In the case I was there for, it was unsure whether it was something that spreads like lightning in giant groups of people (like norovirus) or some bacteria from contaminated mud. You're safe with your mud masks!

if you don't know what would motivate someone to loot a corpse or an airplane full of corpses, you've never been really poor