
The skewed power structure is part of what creates the cognitive dissonance for me. I have a branch of family who moved to Israel after escaping Russia, and many cousins who were born and grew up there. It's hard for me to dissociate from their experiences. And I view the concept of Israel as them, people, not an

The whole thing is a tragedy. I'll admit my bias is towards Israel, an unpopular view in the uber liberal circles I am in. I am not uncritical of Netanyahu, but I believe in the right for Israel to exist. The blockade and the wall have greatly lowered the number of bus bombings and other attacks over the years, but

Wait, what? An educated, well-informed comment that takes the history of the conflict into consideration? posted on Jezebel?? Next you are going to say something like you can support the Palestinians while acknowledging that Hamas is highly problematic, or that the IDF is NOT the SS.

What I really want is for my sex toys not to be "apologetic". NEVER SAY YOU ARE SORRY, VIBRATOR. NEVER.

I'm not even being totally snarky. I swear I've known people who have smoked, drugged and drank for years. Then one day, late in life, they quit. And THAT'S when their bodies' crumble and they start to look haggard. It's like drugs and alcohol were the secret glue that kept them together...

Well preserved by the magical anti-aging properties of alcohol and coke.

Oy Vey. 93 & 93?? My folks are 73 and 83 respectively, and I have no idea what I'm going to do in the coming years. My father got into a major car crash when he had a seizure last year and now he's back to driving. The worst part is there is a pretty big divide between my brother and I (we haven't talked in years)

If you really want to restore your faith in the young 'uns there are some videos of a kid who rescued a hummingbird baby. He hand feeds it for several weeks (night and day) then eventually re-releases it back into the wild. I got the teary-eyes. (Of course, who knows, maybe he edited the part out where he STOLE the

Now playing

Just hear it spoken in Isaac Hayes' voice and every thing's better..

Sites that you can send anonymous emails from have been around for ages. I discovered them because I briefly downloaded TOR browser and researched untraceable email. At the time I was irritated, not with the NSA, but with google and every other marketing schema on the web. I wanted to use the internet purely for

You can just go old school passive-aggressive. Put a note up in each stall and sign it "The Management"

I agree 100% that responding to this letter was unnecessary. A lonely old lady offered unwanted semi-offensive advice that is not with the times? Shocking!

What I've gleaned so far: Life never goes "perfectly" and stuff never stops coming at you. But if you take the lessons learned from each period of downfall you get a better skill set at coping for the future. Try to use one inner and outer resource per day. An inner resource such as listening to a meditation video on

So, what you are saying is that hearing drives you. . . (wait for it). . . cray cray?

I agree with you that if you are smart about it, it is totally possible to be a vegan on a budget. But you still need the access to beans, rice & veg. From articles I 've read (and I do not live there) much of Detroit exists in a food desert where the closest food is found in convenience stores— not exactly a

You mean NOTED famous person FASHION photographer Nigel Barker.

I almost got into it with someone on this thread speaking positively about Hamas and claiming they have helped women in the Gaza. I can understand identifying as pro-Palestinian or critical of Israeli policy, but calling Hamas a group that is a proponent of women's rights (or any Palestinians' rights for that matter

This article and the original one at salon kinda gloss over the fact that most of these women, if they are Israeli citizens, ARE the IDF. They mandatorily serve and go into combat along side men. They are also usually around age 18 when they are enlisted. Is it off-putting or tacky? Yeah, I find it tacky. But not

The content of the pictures aside, Hamas has done plenty to restrict women's rights.

My guess is that since he is an adult living in Alabama, he was probably doing the procedure out of medical necessity and not for religious convictions.