

Then you probably shouldn’t comment.

Well yeah, she misspeaks. English isn’t her first language, and I think it has always been clear that she meant “I love his as if he were my own.” Other people evidently don’t find as clear as I do, but maybe they don’t have a good step-parent. (I do)

my large baby bump is due to wine. sometimes in the mirror i really stick it all the way out and arch my back so it looks even more enormous and i pat my belly and pretend to be pregnant.

She can’t win. When she refers to him as her stepson it’s, “wow way to make that distinction and not love him as your own child! You’re an evil stepmother for sure!”

I will cosign that. Gwen is beautiful and a great musician and wrote some songs that really meant a lot to me. I’ve never gotten the impression from her interviews that she’s unusually intellectual or brilliant.

As soon as that baby is born, I hope he posts a picture of him holding her. I’ll bet she’ll fit in one hand! It will be beyond adorable.

They are a thing. And when you combine them with a beard, it’s known as The Full Brooklyn.

Honestly, I love how buns look on women with fine hair. I think it looks chic and gamine. Like an effortless, slightly undone miniature little chignon? SO PRETTY. My hair is sort of medium thickness, but my sister’s is incredibly thick. Her hair looks amazing in a bun, too. I think mine just looks kind of boring. I

Cat, not car.

Yeah, this hairstyle is truly for the young, as men often lose hair in the area needed for a man bun.

As a woman with fine hair, this gives me hope that maybe someone out there thinks my puny bun is as delightful as a sushi eraser, too.

not harry styles

Next it will be man dog buns for dogs.

I have feels. Bearded Chef has a man bun but Bearded Chef is also going thin(ner and thinner) on top. So ... not a good look. Maybe I should get him the clip-on one to add to the top.

He would, no joke, LOVE THAT! now I’m gonna be getting serious about this...

This is why I wanted to die young, so I wouldn’t live to see crap like this.

It’s too big to be realistic. Man buns are puny, that’s why they are so delighful. It’s like erasers that look like sushi or donut holes. It’s charm is in its minature-ness.

Buying one for my cat!

I’m disappointed by the lack of salt and pepper options.