
I want a Bernese Mountain Dog. And a place big enough to house a Bernese Mountain dog. Or a Newfie.

If you can’t afford to get your kids back and forth to school and medical appointments, how are you planning on paying for a dog? Additionally, I hear they also have these things in Australia that we have here - I think they call them “animal shelters” or something similiar. Ever thought of adopting a dog that would

This thread is so weird. Let’s pretend its performance art.

AND THEN HE WAS MURDERED!!! Coincidence? Yeah right. Wake up.

If you can’t afford the dog, how will you afford food and vet bills?

Check #BrusselsLockdown on Twitter. Police have asked for a complete media silence about current policy movements in the city center, and people have started to flood Twitter with cat pictures instead. It’s surreal and brilliant. Bon courage Belgians!

I’m pretty sure they’re laying side by side just futzing away on their respective iPhones.

Call me old-fashioned but some of these are irreplaceable.

Despite being laid up with the staph infection, Kardashian announced on her personal website on Friday, Nov. 20, that she’s hosting a Thanksgiving dinner for her family in less than a week’s time.

You'd think between the two of them, they could afford to stare at something besides a blank wall and empty table.

I’m having fun imaging that conversation:

I assume their thinking is that they don’t want to start a precedent of employees digging through all of the store’s trash looking for cans and bottles to recycle. I can kind of sort of see that making sense, but firing someone over it (especially an ex-convict with very limited job opportunities) is the straight-up

I got fired from Barnes & Noble for using a gift card that had like 2 dollars left on it after a customer left it for me. I was told anything given in the store belongs to the store.

Haha aww-well there are degrees. My mother insisted I was beautiful. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I believed her. I was so awkward and gangly with frizzy hair and glasses and braces and I’m so grateful that she made me believe that at least SHE thought I was beautiful, even when I didn’t really believe it

Thank you. My only addition is, Motherology informed me at 13 that the bangs I demanded I get just didn’t work with my hair. She apologized - really, apologized - for giving me her shitty thin hair, and explained that we can’t have bangs because we just don’t have enough hair for it. She said, Lady, you’re beautiful,

My mother put a lot of pressure on me to achieve academically and made me feel like I was never good enough in that respect but these other posts are making me really glad she never said anything about my appearance.

I greet my daughter with “hey beautiful” all the time, I also call my husband handsome often. My mom and dad never once said anything about my looks, once I had an awful pimple and we were meeting someone really important and my mom did ask me to use cover-up but that’s the worst I ever had it, all these poor folks, I

My mom never commented much on my looks, positive or negative, and mostly focused on things that were actually under my control— my accomplishments, but also maybe a cute hairstyle or outfit. Now that I realize in retrospect she had an eating disorder, I really understand why she did that, and am deeply touched by it.

Dad when I was 15: “You could stand to lose a few...” I was around 135 then...and I’m 5’7”.