
Ten hours of Post Office service?! That’s a goddamn miracle right there. No excuse not to make it, hell, I’d be so happy to see one that didn’t close at 4.

> cork taint

Oh yeah, Miley, too. I dig it. I hate the squeaky high-pitched bullshit the likes of Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears and the Kardashians put out. It sounds incredibly contrived.

Selena as a great speaking voice. IDK what it is with all our new pop princesses and their fabulous low speaking voices (Miley, too) but I am here for it.

I’m so impressed by these young women who recognize the issues and speak out on it. When I was 22 I think I was still in the “If I work hard and colour inside the lines then I can earn a place.” and hadn’t yet recognized all the systemic issues that meant that that wasn’t true for everyone, and maybe wasn’t true for

There are two things I don’t like about myself. One, I’m very shy in person. Two, I worry... a lot... about stupid stuff. Both of these things make travelling somewhere by myself very nerve wracking. I recently flew out to San Francisco on business. I have wanted to visit China Town forever. It took me two hours of

Even the time I accidentally flashed an entire dorm?

Sounds like an amazing voyage. Have to admit: I’m a bit jealous. I’ve read so much about Iran, and have had friends from there give me amazing descriptions of life there, but I’m such a nervous traveler that I don’t think I could ever bring myself to go to somewhere so unfamiliar. And I don’t even have the added

Yeah, before I cut my hair a few months ago, I used to put mine up in a literal ‘hair bow’ and I’m also 30. I’m still a professional and accomplished adult, so whatever, it’s just a hair style.

She’s young, and was probably drunk. Imagine if there had been a microphone and a camera going on when you were 19 and drunk. IMAGINE.

Ngl I’m kind of in love with her hair. If that means I’m now a 30-year-old baby, then so be it.

Me, neither. Not that I was expecting anything, I don’t even know if I have ever listened to one of her songs, but she has a very captivating speaking voice.

It's Louisiana. You ask them, "Did my momma and your momma go to school together?" And when they blink and say no, you stick them to the back of the line. If they blink and say yes or give some indication that they are local, you smile, tell them you'll tell your momma you saw them, and know it's an effective threat

We go to Ruby Tuesday’s fairly often as an after movie dinner place, and the idea of a guy acting like a wine expert there is hysterical, it’s like pretending to be a connoisseur of steak at Arby’s.

This is true but as the offspring of a celebrity they are probably targets for a lot extra special trolling about body image, wealth, etc. How old are her kids? That also plays a major role in social media usage.

I don’t know let me know when you get there


But Jay has lots of Blue Ivy demands. For starters, the entire suite must be childproofed with all corners, sharp edges, and electrical outlets all covered, and statues, lamps, and breakable objects removed. Oh, Blue only drinks organic whole milk.

Call me a diva, but these “demands” don’t seem all that crazy? More

The actress claims she asked the children if they’d seen their mother, Nicole Kidman, recently, or planned to do so.