
Omg we made the same joke! Jeff gilooly Ftw!


I just assumed they aren’t actually allowed to decorate as parents take over and ejaculate their greatest Pinterest/Pottery Barn fantasies.

I just figured everyone decorated like I did: by putting up pictures of people with whom I’d quarreled and burning the parts where their eyes were with cigarettes.

My niece just turned 13 and she drew herself a picture of Macklemore to post on her bedroom door. She did have some pull-outs of One Direction, last I visited. Like old school, Tiger Beat magazine pull-outs.

I basically described it by telling the story of New Years Eve 99, where everyone was at least a little convinced computers were going to turn against us, so all of the neighborhood parents got insanely drunk, and let the kids have probably the best middle school party to ever occur. We listened to spice girls, a girl

Well, the really cool ones decorated their walls with hubcaps and entrails. Mostly hubcaps, if you lived near the population centers.

My 14 year old sister has nothing on her walls, just a painting or two my mom hung up to break up the space. I never thought it was weird until just this minute. I assumed she just had a minimalistic aesthetic or something but you are so right, it’s totally because she doesn’t read magazines or take pictures. I’m

Is steven universe a wrestler? :(

i remember as a kid waiting for the new sears, consumer’s distributing and shop-rite catalogues to come out, so i could garb the previous years’ edition to cut out all the star wars stuff for collages. aah, yutz.

When I changed schools for high school some of my friends made a collage with a bunch of photos of us. I still have it in storage. BETTER THAN PINTEREST, SUCK IT TEENS.

My 15 year old brother decorates his room with seething rage and b.o. It’s a desolate wasteland of stink in that place.

I had a Michelle Kwan poster on my wall. Try not to be jealous of how cool I was/still am.

If my little sisters are any indication, they put up prints of photos of themselves and handicrafts just like always. Incidentally, both universities I’ve attended host annual poster sales on campus. You can still buy the Pink Floyd naked ladies poster just like you could decades ago.

I bought a really cute skirt on clearance and hadn’t worn it yet AND it is “wear pink for breast cancer awareness” day at work so somehow my pink sweater and grey tulle skirt combined and everyone keeps asking if I’m dressed as a ballerina. So I guess I’m a ballerina today.

I am in Reno for my honeymoon and I have brought the guinea pig costume for our big night out tomorrow. I fully intend to be arrested immediately upon exiting my hotel room.

I don’t wear costumes for the same reason I don’t wear makeup, don’t bother with fancy hairstyles, and mostly wear t-shirts and jeans/yoga pants: because when it comes to physical appearance, I’m lazy as all hell.

Hell yes! I’m dressing as Louise Belcher and my husband will be Bob. It’s perfect because he has really hairy arms and can grow an impressive mustache in a week. He has the easiest costume ever, sweatpants and an apron.

I used to regularly, when my kids were younger and I'd go out with them. Now they're practically grown. But I own an insurance agency and have seriously dressing as Flo from Progressive.

Does being “dressed” by spilled wine count?