
I know, I’m just saying having access to and getting them from a doctor are part of safe abortions. I agree with you. It’s hard sometimes to read the tone of a comment and I’m sorry if I came across in a negative way.

“My mother chose life”

That is true, but not all abortions are before 10 weeks. Also, the pill is still something that needs to be prescribed. Not really a great idea to do it via Internet pills. That’s why access is so important. Women should be able to go to their doctors and receive the services they need and be free to return in case of

No she got away with it cuz she turned all his fat into soap and then she laughed and laughed and set his car on fire

Had a devout Mormon as the receptionist at the office where I worked. She had to wear adult diapers because she had birthed 5 sons, more than her body was healthily able to do and had bladder leaks. Not a one of sons ever showed her any respect. Also, she once asked me to explain what oral sex was. A mother of 5 kids

That story so enraged me that I want to find this asshole and punch him.

I read that quote and thought it sounded a lot like something from a dystopian society sci-fi movie... it reminds me of Margaret Atwood’s Oryx & Crake, somehow. So twisted that I’m sure we’ll hear it regurgitated by people who think they’re winning the argument when the listener is stunned into wide-eyed silence.

I think the ‘safe’ is the key point here. If abortion weren’t a life-threatening procedure, nobody would have died in those pre Roe v Wade back alley abortions. Ergo, healthcare options that don’t include abortion are safer for women than those that do. Obvs.

Complete with razor endorsement. *shudder*

Does this mean Foolish Games is about Sean Penn?

Can we go back to 94/95ish when I adored her and had no inkling that she would become this person?

isn’t that the fucking worst?

I have been a parent for over six years now, dealing with hospitals, therapists, preschools, elementary schools, dance studios, girl guides, airlines, etc. a million times. My daughters and I do not have the same last name. It has never been a problem. Not once. Nobody has ever questioned it or even said a thing.

I think I’ve mentioned this here, but I actually got into it with a friend a few years back — he basically said that any woman who doesn’t take her husband’s name was basically asking to be cheated on and for him to leave her because how is he supposed to be able to recognize or feel a connection with her and their

Millions of pairs of American women are both sisters and have different last names. They seem to still now that they are sisters. funny how that works.

When my parents got married in the early 80s, they both kept their names. They eventually got divorced, and when my dad got remarried in the 90s, he and his wife both changed their last names into an amalgamation of both of their names. (Not hyphenated or just added on, but one hybridized new name.) This was all

I was very happy to have my wife keep her name until... kid. Now it’s a question.

Better combination of Hunter and Palmer = Punter

We did it. Did it put some noses out of joint? Yes. His parents, conservative with a small c, found it baffling. Actual quote: “only criminals and transsexuals change their name.” My parents, radical (with a small r) feminists, thought it was amazing. It is still the best and most important decision we made about our