
Can we talk about how this sort of, “Well, I wouldn’t be upset if customers just abused the shit out of me while I had to stand there and smile and pretend I liked it, because I’m a better person than you.” smug bullshit is just a steaming pile of smug bullshit?

Man...this comment kind of struck a nerve with me for some reason. I think because I have definitely been that server (though I didn’t really work anywhere where I could get hammered for free on-shift.)

When I was about three, my grandmother was making baked potatoes, and left a few wrapped in foil on the edge of the stovetop. She told me ‘HOT’, but I was all ‘I’M THREE AND YOU DON’T TELL ME SHIT’ and picked one up.

ehhh you’re 100% wrong. People cry all the time at work, just some people reserve it for a stairwell, the bathroom stall, or their car in the parking lot. Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.

“But I can read my mind...”

Serious question: Why can’t the proprietor just ask the racist ass-clown to not return. “Sir, I’m sorry that our values and yours don’t match. I’m sure that another vendor would be more to your liking. Please have a nice day...” I get it—you depend on customers for your livelihood. But these people will never learn

I had a woman call up and just rate me for five solid minutes about leaving a coupon on her car under the windshield wiper. Now, we NEVER do that—it’s a waste of supplies and littering besides. So when I could finally get a word in edgewise I asked her what the coupon was for, trying to figure out if some newbie

Yup, I’ve long contended that corporations and managers in the service sector who give in to unreasonable demands actively make the world a worse place to live in because they reward assholes for their asshole behavior.

And something needs to happen on the end of corporate restaurant managers - learn to say the word no to customers. Have a spine. If they want something that’s unreasonable, don’t sugar coat your explanation of why you aren’t going to do something with so many platitudes that they can no longer understand you’re saying

Me too. I feel really bad that I want to hunt that “chips and dip” woman down and shock her with a cattle prod until she learns how to say “tortillas and salsa.”

Recently I was in a store and a little boy was blocking an aisle. His mother told him to move out of the way because he wasn’t the only person in the world. Mother of the Year!

I had no idea this was a thing, but people swore that this was somewhat common on the East Coast (I’m in San Diego).

The woman gets very serious and tells me that she has done it many times before at other Papa Johns, and refuses to believe me.

This weekend I had a woman argue with me for almost ten minutes that she should be allowed to use two coupons because they were “two different types.” Apparently having slightly different colored fonts means you can pile on discount after discount. At this rate, I suppose her money off is only limited by the CMYK

Excuse me, but I’m allergic to peanut allergy stories. Please wipe down this kitchenette post and bring me a peanut allergy story with no peanuts in it.

She takes her fork, scoops out the little peanut pieces, DROPS THEM ON THE FLOOR WITH THE FORK, and says to me “No nuts. Was that so hard?!”

Maybe not the part that stood out to everyone, but:

Two things that need to branded into the souls of every human being before they’re allowed out on their own.

I have to say, BCO has spurred two important changes in the way I act in restaurants.