
Dear Canada, the role of angry white gun-lover has long been a proud, American occupation, and ever since Harper got elected, y’all have been poaching on our hard-won reputation. Stop stealing our jobz, Canada!


Congratulations! In spite of all my trepidation about the results of this election, I am excited to see what the turnout looks like, especially among young voters.

(unless you’re a new Canadian, in which case, congrats for a whole other reason!)

I once asked my mother, who worked in the ER for decades, if she’d ever had a patient who was shot in self defense. She said no. Three-year-olds shot by their 12-year-old brothers, yes. People killed by stray bullets when sitting down for dinner, yes. And, well- I could go on. Guns keep the ER busy. But not because

Our well-regulated militia has been very busy lately.

Poor kid :(

This is so heartbreaking. But I’ll just say it - when nothing happened after Sandy Hook, I knew nothing was probably ever going to happen. I don’t understand how such a small group of people can manage to keep the rest of us from making stricter gun laws happen. Wtf is wrong with the politicians? Why do we keep

I feel like Yoko must be constantly high.

Cheap paper towels are not a bargain. They are bullshit.

I grew up watching “In Search Of” — RIP Leonard Nimoy. I still hope to see Bigfoot when I’m camping. I live in the PNW so I keep my fingers crossed that it will happen one day. Yeah, I’m a huge dork.

I had a guy on OkCupid message me a while back and his “job” was creating and performing in YouTube videos. I use the term “performing” loosely. He just yelled a lot about tacos and made weird, “eyebrow waggly” expressions. Come to think of it, he looked like an 18 year-old Ace Ventura. I guess that’s a thing now.

Haha. Trying being from Australia. Last time I flew to Paris it was about 12 hours to the middle east and then another seven to eight from there to Paris, so... Yeah. Mongolia would be... Much closer.

Different stroked and all that, but I can’t imagine just spending 45 minutes down there. We wandered around, looking around and taking photos, for at least a few hours. It’s just a very interesting place to me. I think I spent more time in the catacombs than I did in Versailles.

Amenities include:

There’s no way you’d be the first people to wake up alive in the catacombs, that’s just silly. Pretty sure they’ve served as a hideout for people for hundreds of years. And I’m sure they were able to sleep there and not die. It’s a graveyard, not a slaughterhouse.

“Don’t worry Pierre, I know literally no one wants to come near you right now but just think in two hundred some odd years people will be competing to spend the night with your bones!"

It’s nothing like a selfie-at-Auschwitz. The people there weren’t put there through genocide. They weren’t murdered on site. They were dead already. It’s like bunking at a cemetery. Only the grave yard is under ground.

I mean, I’d rather go to see the catacombs of Paris than not go anywhere at all. Yaknowhatimsayin’?


Firstly, as someone who comes from a minor noble branch, it is next to fucking impossible to get one on one face time with any Royal, English or otherwise, unless it is at a gala fundraiser. It’s not like you can pick up the phone and be all, “Hey, Liz I am having a fish fry on Saturday, do you and Phil wanna come