
He must’ve really been being an ass to get arrested by Austin PD, they are legit the most chill police around. Many-a-nights have I spent on 6th Street, and the only people ever getting arrested are completely fucked out of their minds-in a bad way.*

He's such a turd but I hope he gets help. This can't end well.

Gwyneth, didn’t anyone tell you not to Instagram drunk? It’s ruining your image.

If being extremely drunk and high is performance art, then I have saturated the market. Hell, I’m engaged in performance art right now, watching season 7 of Frasier. Also, I'm a lousy fucking artist.

We are married and do have a pre-nup. I think we might be in a slightly different situation than most bc my husband and I come from very different socioeconomic backgrounds. I grew up very poor, and he grew up pretty wealthy. His parents paid for all of his education including medical school while I have $100,000 in

Imagine all the shredded dresses! The veil! The intense amonia aroma, the fur, the dander, all the centerpieces knocked off the table, all the stolen chicken and fish entrees, the decorations of Kleenex and Flonase! There will be extra black and white cats so the black ones can rub on the bride’s dress and the white

I actually know a couple who (after many many decades of marriage) still keeps finances quite separate, and on a recent vacation, he went out to eat by himself, and she stayed back in the hotel room. Because she had already spent all of her discretionary vacation money. I genuinely couldn’t keep my mouth closed when I

If you’re planning to stay married for the rest of your life you might want to reconsider the separate eggs/baskets - it gets really complicated to keep that up, especially with buying a house/kids/life. And your incomes will wax and wane over the years - when Mr. Rubia and I were first together, he made significantly

Just try to get soy or vegetable-wax based candles instead of paraffin (looking at you, Yankee Candle)! Beeswax is cool too but it’s crazy expensive.
Super cheap petroleum-based candles = soot city.

My better half and I exist in very different financial worlds - he makes WAAAAAAYYYYYY more than I do. What has helped us (and mostly me, who is and always has been fiercely financially independent) is to remember that ‘fair’ is not always the same as ‘equal’. If what we pay into rent every month is different, but

Which is why you make sure your obgyn knows everything about your medical history before taking it.

I take it very seriously. Without that “chemical manipulation” I would’ve lost my ovaries to PCOS years back. Definitely not sexy. Neither is unplanned pregnancy or any of the other painful conditions the BCPs can treat. Humans intentionally alter the ways their bodies function all the time, since time immemorial.

Ah, I see. The Coens should make up a story. And in that story, since they are free to invent any characters and any plotlines they want to, they should also feel free to do whatever they want with the general social and cultural setting in which the story occurs. And what they should want to do is to include at least

I don’t think posting the definition of fiction is making the argument you think it’s making.

Please provide evidence of my skin color.

Look, I’m all for calling out the white-washing of film and TV, but this was an era when about five black people got work in Hollywood and the rest were white people in blackface. It’s not a controversy, it’s just sadly historically accurate.

Can I ask a question that might get me in trouble?


The Pill can also drastically decrease the amount of lubrication your body creates. This can make sex uncomfortable or even painful. Some women associate getting wet with being turned on, so dryness can be interpreted as a psychological signal that she’s not aroused.

We have an account our bills come out of, an account our groceries are spent with ... and then the rest of our salaries are ours to save or put onto our own credit cards and to spend on silly things.