
It is the most populated state of Australia, so we are talking millions of people. Its not like a small town where every other person is bumping into kangaroos because they glued their eyes shut.

Apparently a lot of people keep eye drops and superglue in the same place. Eye drops go in the medicine cabinet, superglue goes in the junk drawer, people.

People who want to be able to reattach their nasty glue-on nails when they pop off, and who are too cheap to buy nail glue, I’m guessing.

I get so so so ragey when people joke about being “so OCD” because their books are alphabetized or their floors are spotless and have no actual idea about what a shitty and lifelong battle it is. I always want to say “I know! I hate it when I can’t stop picturing my father having an erection or my mother’s body

This upcoming cold and flu season is the first since 2009 that I won’t be pregnant or nursing and where I am going with this is that I cannot WAIT to take NyQuil and sleep and be selfish and smell like Vicks.

The Internet has always been so gross about Emma Watson. Which makes it all the better that she declared herself a feminist and is, in her own way, trying to help the cause. I understand she still has a lot to learn, but disassociating with her fanbase of neckbeards was probably a high priority when she came up with

The answer is Yes! Yes, yes, and yes again. Individual bank accounts for everyone! You get a bank account! You get a bank account! Bank accooooooounts!

yeah; i often give in for this very reason

Yeah, I super don’t understand the relation, except that they’re not related? I’d draw a picture but I don’t care that much.

(Once I drew a picture to figure out how, exactly, Liz Lemon was related to The Hair.)

I was hoping for a more interesting dirt bag today. I expect the sister wife thing would probably be really entertaining if I actually bothered to read about the whole thing, but I feel like the level of complication at which it is operating is more than I want to expend energy on.

Exactly. Hate each other, whatever, but children are not weapons in your personal war of the roses.

Abusive people don’t look like cartoon villains, but rather like normal people. I’m not saying this guy is abusive, but posting a smiling photo of him with his kid literally proves nothing one way or the other.

I know that it would be difficult to be the non-custodial parent, but also, you would think that it would occur to you that the insane tug-of-war is probably worse for your children than abiding by the custody agreement and putting on a brave face.

I feel like I’ve been following this story for forever. And it just makes my stomach churn. I don’t know who’s “right” or who’s “wrong” in this... I just feel so bad for those kids.

I wonder if it’s also that women’s familiarity with emotional labor as something you do voluntarily, out of the kindness of your heart, makes us suspicious of networking, which is pretty obviously fake. I know that I struggle to falsify a good-hearted, affectionate relationship when it is for my personal gain, because

A great idea. :)

I agree! I just went on a “glamping” (glamorous camping) anniversary weekend away with my husband... and it was just what the doctor ordered! No cell phones, no annoying other people... just nature and drinking whiskey AND stumbling upon the lunar eclipse in the desert - say whattttt?????! It was so rejuvenating. No

I think the whole “never go to bed angry” thing is terrible advice. I really took it to heart for a few years, and the result was a lot of late-night drama, and then not getting to bed until 3 am, and feeling bad all around. Just bad. I think in a long term relationship, it’s just natural that you’re going to go to be

No thanks. It may work for some people but I know that I would probably try to come up with something to say even if I didn’t have anything to say just because I think that’s what I’m supposed to do. It would totally be counterproductive for me. I would think hard on the days before the review trying to find anything