
Yup. They view all women as shallow, unintelligent, uninteresting, frivolous, obnoxious, illogical, overly emotional, walking sets of holes they would like to fuck when they feel like it. We aren’t really people to men who think that way. I would call them Neanderthals, but then I never met a Neanderthal and wouldn’t

I hate how people repeat the first fact though, like it’s an excuse to still operate. I’m not saying that’s what you’re doing, but I just really don’t like when people are like “ignore the abortions, they do so much good”. NEWSFLASH: Abortions are good.

You need to get your colleagues behind this line of attack, Senator:

Your mother must have been looking at her phone. Tsk tsk!

I’m glad she highlighted the other important work they do, but it’s nice to hear her defend abortion, too. I heard a doctor who performs abortions explain why one time. He said making abortion illegal doesn’t save babies, it kills women. There is no evidence it prevents a lot of abortions, but it does make sure a lot

omfg women get so pissy when male chauvinist politicians want to make life or death decisions for them.

The first long term baby sitting job I had was when I was in college. I think one day the lady had suggested taking the kids to the park, but it was too cold for me, so I had them play in the yard. She was irritated with me. Look lady, it’s November. It’s freezing. Plus I stayed in and did your laundry, which you

HOW IS HE 3.5 ALREADY?! OMG, I remember when you were pregnant!

YES. Mine is still a 3.5 year old daredevil and I can’t take my eyes off him. Yet I still have to balance letting him do things on his own, trying things and failing, though he thinks he can do All The Things and wants to attempt them all. I’m more like a spotter than anything. He still had to get stitches twice this

This is why I stopped feeling guilt about this kind of thing. I have three children and two of them are 3 and 6. Truth be told, they aren’t that interested in me playing with them. When I do get invited to their games, they make me sit in one spot and I can’t play with anything. So I bring my phone to the tea

I just read and became enraged at an article on some local NPR affiliate’s website about how moms aren’t properly connecting with their babies while breastfeeding because they are on their phones.


Berating Mothers is a subset of Woman Can’t Ever Get It Right. It’s America’s national pastime.

In the 70’s my cousin and I played outside while our parents smoked big fat joints and laughed, ate and took naps and had no clue what the fuck we were doing.

My daughter just turned 21 and she was at Disneyland for her birthday and confessed that she now realizes that I was a saint amongst saints for the endless hours and days and weeks and years I endured her singing and playing Mary Fucking Poppins. I then confessed I used to hide the tape (yes VHS) from her because I

I can definitely see that happening; when I was teaching at a boarding school I saw students of an age that should know better go into full-blown meltdowns when I took away phones in class. Their behaviors changed completely, not just in a tantrum way, and they would go into panicked tailspins. After about a week of

And when did “watching practice” become a parents job. My kid does her extra curriculars because she likes them, not for me. I’m all for watching games and performances but it’s absurd to think that a parent should spend hours watching from the sidelines a week.

I’ve raised two of them, but I hope you didn’t miss the tongue-in-cheek nature of my reply.

The primary problem I see is with parents whose kids have hit screen time age (which is getting younger and younger) who want the kids to cut down, but who are unwilling to set an example. A 10 year-old is not going to take a parent seriously who tells them to get off the iPad and go outside and play if the same

No! If you are looking at your phone while your kid is growing up, you are an abusive parent and I am calling child protective services on you, you degenerate monster!