
yes! i think i have reverse seasonal depression. im always moody and pissed during the summer cause its so fucking hot and i sweat so fucking much. fall is so fucking invigorating. i can’t wait to wear tights and boots and my leather jacket! people think i am insane because i hate summer.

Esp when it’s Jia, bc she’ll wade into the comments and get unhinged on people. It’s a delight.

No joke, summer is the worst season. I loathe being hot. All I ever want is to need to wear a heavy coat. Also, I think some people really are just genuinely drawn to melancholy. The darkening days are romantic to some of us.

Winter is the worst. Summer is the best. I used to be meh on Fall but Taylor Swift’s Red sold it to me and I’m Pro-Fall now.

Fall is not the worst season. You are the worst season.

He is a self-starter. It wouldn’t be a deal breaker for me once we were already married but i would use his stalking as the trump card in every argument for the rest of our lives.

Mine ‘wooed’ me by leaving Buffy the Vampire Slayer comic books in my work desk.

A couple of my single coworkers told me that they envy how nice my husband is to me. Like, how did I land this person who is nice? Um, because I am nice to him, too. And I am drawn to nice people. We treat each other with kindness (not 24/7, we’re both human and have bad moods and guess who bears the brunt of my PMS

My first conversation with my husband wasn’t so much about the conversation he and I had, but about the one he interrupted. I’d been cornered - literally - by The Campus Republican, intent on pontificating about how Democrats like to kill and eat babies for breakfast, or something. Husband didn’t know me from Adam,

My mom knew I met my husband online. Then she tried to meet a guy online. She met a guy with a lot of gold teeth. A. LOT. OF. GOLD. TEETH.

My first conversation with my fiancé was about stormtroopers and lego pirate ships, in a super dive-y bar. Cheers!

I feel like mine is more of a meet sleezy than a meet cute. I also met my boyfriend at a bar. He has terrible asthma. I was angrily smoking outside because I was mad at a coworker that I’d slept with who rejected me and then got all butthurt because I decided I couldn’t be friends with him for awhile. Future boyfriend

The LOTR part is what charms me in particular, but yes, I suppose I see what you mean about the actual setup of the meeting.


i read this whole thing and i still have no idea whats going on. What im getting is that she freed the nipple and now the nipple is appearing on magazines on its own. If the nipple was freed cant it do what it wants.

Nope, we’re all evil and indecent. You might as well put him down now.

It’s almost like he’s just a person and not imbued with the spirit of a random god.

Is she the one in the white spangly furry coat? Because I’m dying over that whole look. I’ve never seen someone look so goth while not wearing a single scrap of black. Truly inspiring.

She looks like Heidi Montag.

look at abby breslin lookin like a fucking bad bitch